Good afternoon,
Just a few little reminders for the last week of term.
School is only open Monday to Thursday for Week A children and critical care children this week as staff are meeting on Friday to discuss the plans for our full reopening in September. Their last day of term will be Thursday 16th July.
School is open on Friday morning for children of Key Workers only but will close to all at 12.30pm.
We are currently working on plans to ensure a full but safe return to school on Wednesday 2nd September 2020. These will be shared with all staff on Friday morning and will then be shared with parents.
Please look out for emails and updates on the school website and Facebook Page as there will be important information linked to your child’s start and finish times as well as drop-off and collection points.
Annual reports will be emailed out to all parents this week. If you have not received your report by 3pm on Wednesday, please contact your class teacher directly (not the office). Please ensure that your class teacher has your most up-to-date email address.
Thank you
Mrs Tomlinson