Year 3

Ellie Jones
Year 3 Class Teacher
Emma Robson
Year 3 Class Teacher

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

with Miss Jones & Mrs Robson

We are so pleased to welcome you to our Year 3 team! This year we will have lots of fun and learn plenty along the way! You can look forward to lots of PE, art and topics such as Rainforests, Stone Age to Iron Age and The Egyptians! If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask any of the adults in our year group: Miss Jones, Mrs Robson, Miss Haire, Mrs Broadhurst and Miss Hickman.

Weekly Events

Our PE days are Monday afternoon and Friday morning for Summer 1 – please ensure children have kit for all weather eventualities! Our outdoor learning is alternate Tuesdays.

Spelling tests will be on Fridays. New spelling lists are sent home each Monday via Seesaw. Home reading is also sent home every Monday for the upcoming week.

TT Rockstars and Seesaw

TT Rockstars is an excellent resource for all of our children to practise their multiplication fluency!

Seesaw is our online learning platform and is where we will put any information that we need to share. Please sign up to view your child’s journal as you will get a great insight into what they are up to at school and we can reward them for their home reading and any other home learning tasks!

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Year 3 Summer challenge reminder!

We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 3 children back to school next Wednesday.

Thank you for the Summer challenge photos we have received- don’t forget to send them in to our e mail addresses, to allow us to fill the classroom with your lovely summer memories.

See you on Wednesday 2nd September.

Mrs Vickers and Miss Pound


See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Autumn 1 Spellings

Please practice this weeks spellings with your child at home. Spellings help to improve English writing across all subjects and are a key part of improving our writing through school. They will be tested on Friday. Thank you 🙂


Parent List

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Ancient Egyptian Flatbread 11.6.24
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Seed Dispersal with Year 3
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My Job as an Engineer Webinar
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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Ancient Egyptian Flatbread 11.6.24
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Seed Dispersal with Year 3
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My Job as an Engineer Webinar