Welcome to Nursery, where we learn without limits!
Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year 3!
Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to the Nest
Welcome to The Hive
Find out more here.
We explore stories from our unique reading spine...
Here are our main news stories.
If you have children at our school, you should also read the latest School Updates
We explore stories from our unique reading spine in a variety of ways in order...
Before Christmas, the staff baked lots of tasty treats for a series of coffee mornings...
To complete our Computing unit this term, Year 5 are coding and creating their own...
This term in the EYFS the children are exploring the overarching theme of community. The...
We had the opportunity to visit Telford Central Mosque to tie in with our RE...
This week in year 3 we have been dissecting tulips to identify the different parts...
In our Computing lessons this term we have been using Crumbles. We have been programming...
11 of our UKS2 children have signed up for the Young Coders competition this term....
We followed the whole school sequence of learning for Design Technology in order to design...
We had a very busy end to the autumn term . . . As part...
Find out more about what's been happening at school...
Lots of our children have been taking part in the BBC Micro:bit Gladiators Competition this...
Year 5 had a wonderful opportunity to travel to Leicester on Tuesday to look around...
Becky, who is a Christian, from Sutton Hill Church came to visit the children in...
In our assembly today, we celebrated our successes in the National Bebras Challenge which all...
We have been learning about babies as part of an Understanding of the World project....
Rob and his amazing puppets visited our school last week and we watched his interactive...
Children in the Foundation Stage have access to the outdoors on a daily basis. Children...
Exploring form through the topic of Remembrance; The practitioners in the EYFS follow our whole...
Stories form a huge part of our curriculum. A story can be told anywhere within...
Come and visit us and see the wonderful provision we offer. Contact A2134@telford.gov.uk if you...
We have worked hard this term on the ‘I Belong’ programme towards encouraging more girls...
During Forest School sessions for the last half term the children in nursery have been...
Today we had special visitors to help us learn about Diwali Festival of Lights. Our...
Some of our children from across Year 5 and 6 took part in a Tech...
At Code Club today we explored the app of Rodocodo. We put out Coding skills...
Today in Code Club we were let loose on the micro:bits to apply some of...
Children have access to a wide range of role-play resources in the EYFS. They can...
Our girls in Code Club were very successful today at creating a stopwatch. When they...
We run Code Clubs throughout the year for different year groups. This term, we have...
We have appointed our new team of Digital Leaders in school this week and had...
For European Language Day today, Year 5 were transported off to Sweden. We learnt how...
Today we have had a visit from Zoe, the dental nurse, to remind us of...
Every Friday lunchtime the Reading Ambassadors run a Reading Club in which children can spend...
Today our parents were invited to an important assembly all about Jolly Phonics. The children...
Computer science is the fastest-growing STEM subject, and yet, despite its popularity, girls are consistently...
Each week in nursery Alex Bear goes home with a child. He loves to read and...
We had an assembly this morning to celebrate National Coding Week. We looked at what...
Each day a year group invites parents in to read with their child in school....
The children and practitioners in nursery have had a wonderful start to the term. We...
Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery Behaviour Policy and Curriculum ‘Keep your thoughts positive...
On Friday 5th July, 10 children represented the school...
NCCE Computing Quality Mark <– click here to see the certificate We’re delivering great...
This term in nursery we have explored printing, following the whole school pedagogy for Art....
The Health Protection Hub at Telford & Wrekin Council have asked us send out some...
As it’s our Sports Week this week, some of our KS2 classes are taking part...
Some of our KS1 classes took part in a STEM webinar today, with a focus...
We bought some tickets for the Rothesay Classic Birmingham Tennis Tournament, to take some of...
Come and visit our nursery this week! We have 15 and 30 hour flexible places...
Emilia recommends Kay’s Marvellous Medicine by Adam Kay ” I love Adam Kay books and this...
We have been learning about an African lady called Wangari, whose determination to see a...
Miss Matthews had a wonderful time today at SAF Playgroup. It is an opportunity for...
KS2 joined in with a live lesson on Wednesday this week, exploring what it was...
Pupils in KS1 had story time with a difference today! Local author Sarah Corkill visited...
We know that starting school is such an important time in the lives of our...
As part of our ‘A is for Alive’ project we have been exploring plants and...
Nursery and Reception learnt about Louise’s job role and how she cares for pets that...
Snack time in nursery is an opportunity for lots of amazing learning! It is a...
Year 6 pupils <– CLICK HERE Good evening, Please find attached a letter for our...
What a lovely end to our British Values fortnight!...
Year 5 are loving their Computing unit on Vector Graphics this term. We have been...
Additional Safeguarding Measures at SAF We have introduced some new safeguarding measures...
Look at the amazing lizard eye sculptures our Year 3 children have made, with the...
A group of children have had a wonderful visit to the art gallery today. It...
In April, some of our Year 5 children had the amazing opportunity to spend a...
“Kindness is the language that can be understood by everyone.” Miss Perkins’ and Mr Broderick’s...
We are 3 weeks into our Lego League Club and have created part of our...
On Monday 29th April 2024, Alexander Fleming School began their two-week look at British Values....
Our Reading Ambassadors have been busy helping Mrs Tomlinson and Miss Reese during our weekly...
Our attendance week last focused on attendance and punctuality. All of our classes tried really...
Day 2 of Attendance Week and the classes have done us proud! We had 6...
What a great start to our attendance week! Year 6 and Nursery are our classes...
Year 5 are taking part in a Adobe Express Creativity Project this term. We will...
During the spring term children in nursery and reception learnt about a range of celebrations...
We have 12 children from Year 4 and 5 who are taking part in the...
WINNERS! Our Year 6 boys football team were excellent role models in the Marches football...
In Term 6, Year 5 will be using Crumbles in their Computing lessons, eventually leading...
Preparations are underway for attendance week next week (22nd-26th April)! Be in school on time...
Our Reception/Year 1 classes have enjoyed exploring different books and genres at Madeley library today....
During the summer term we embark on a project all about living things. Topics are...
Our Year 2 children have been combining different mediums to create these wonderful pieces of...
Summer Term Dates 2024 <–click here There are some updates to our Summer Term dates....
Keeping children, parents, staff and visitors safe is incredibly important to us here at Sir...
Hi all, It is so important for our children to be physically active in school...
Year 5 have been tackling Sonnets in their English lessons recently. We analysed a range...
Mr Andrew’s class visited Madeley Community Library this morning. The children were very excited to...
Today the nursery children visited a farm in Shrewsbury to deepen their knowledge of farm...
Our Digital Leaders have been given their badges today which they have been very excited...
Our Year 5 children and a selection of children from across Year 3 and 4...
In the Early Years we pride ourselves on developing curious thinkers who notice features of...
Our Year 6 boys took part in a friendly football match at home against Grange...
Mr Andrew’s class have worked extremely hard recently on designing and making a stuffed toy...
Year 6 began their new writing unit this week- HORROR. The children have been reading...
We are extremely proud of our Year 6 student Lola Walker, who was the overall,...
Our Year 6’s who stayed at school during France week completed some fantastic non-chronological...
Our Year 6 set off in the early hours of Monday morning to catch a...
This Monday the 4th of March we welcomed Asma from Telford Central Mosque to talk...
Good afternoon everyone, Keeping children, parents, staff and visitors safe is incredibly important to us...
We have had a wonderful day learning about life in the past. The children were...
We are hoping to make Easter egg-stra special and have planned some egg-cellent activities! I’m...
We had a fantastic visit from Pep the poet. He treated us to some funny,...
We regularly invite our parents in to observe our provision and join in with the...
Our Year 6 children went last week to a dodgeball competition. The Year 6’s showed...
Cricket Success Our Year 5 and 6 children went to their first cricket competition of...
We are overjoyed to announce we were the winners of the ‘Primary School of the...
Our Year 6 children were extremely privileged to speak with Eloise Williams, author of their...
Mr Andrew’s class were extremely fortunate today to have a video call with Kieran Larwood...
Children in year 1 and 2 enjoyed having Sarah Griffiths, a local author, visit school....
Happy half term everyone! We look forward to seeing you all back healthy and germ-free...
Educators at Sir Alexander Fleming have selected a reading spine of core literature that children...
Children attend weekly forest school sessions. These sessions provide amazing opportunities to explore the world...
Reception/Year 1 have been learning about the facilities in our local community. The children have...
They are amazing reading role-models! They are enthusiastic about reading and inspire other children to...
Online Safety Newsletter from Knowsley Council. Online Safety Newsletter February 2024 We have become significantly...
We plan our EYFS curriculum using ‘big’ ideas. We have progressed from thinking about our...
This month we have an article in the magazine ‘Headteacher Update’ that tells the story...
Our curriculum takes into account seasonal and natural opportunities that we know children will be...
January 2024 <– Click here to access the Online Safety Newsletter for January 2024. Dear...
1st January 2024 <– CLICK HERE Please find attached our Newsletter for the new year!...
Wonderful morning learning the Christian nativity with Sutton Hill Church. Thank you for all of...
Christmas Events <– CLICK HERE Good afternoon, Please find attached our calendar of Christmas Events...
Newsletter 12.11.23 <– CLICK HERE Please find our November newsletter attached here...
Online Safety Newsletter Primary November 2023 – CLICK HERE Please find our monthly online safety...
Primary schools are busy places. Each morning is a hum drum of activity with teachers...
School is closed to children on Monday 6th November as it is a planned PD...
Linked to Y5’s learning about Vikings, the children have produced some fantastic oil pastel drawings....
A handful of our KS2 children represented our school in the cross country at Chetwynd...
Newsletter 13.10.23 Please click the link above to read our newsletter....
Mrs Tomlinson, Mrs Pigg and Miss Reese went along to the NASEN awards 2023 on...
We have hundreds of new, engaging books that children will be bringing home to read....
Harvest Festival – Friday 13th October Since 2013, Telford Crisis Support has operated a Foodbank...
We kicked the football season off with a convincing 8-1 win… On Monday, our Year...
Dear all, ‘Everyone has a right to feel safe at school. The staff at Sir...
Please find attached the school newsletter for the week ending 15.9.23 If you click this...
This week, our school appeared on the Shropshire Star, BBC News and BBC Radio Shropshire...
Over the Summer holidays we were thrilled to find out that our school has been...
Dates for your diary 23-24 – CLICK HERE Hi all, Please find a list of...
As part of our behaviour review we have updated our behaviour policy and procedures and...
Newsletter 8.9.23 – CLICK HERE Good afternoon, Please find our newsletter for week ending 8.9.23...
We are delighted to share that for the 4th year in a row we have...
The arrival of our pop up swimming pool has been a huge success! Our...
We are nearly there! Just a quick note to say that ALL children return to...
HOLIDAY DATES – click here September 2023 to July 2024 PD DAYS Monday 4th September...
Uniform Expectations 2023 – Click here School Expectations for September 2023 Uniform The school uniform...
page 4...
STRIKE ACTION Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July Dear families, I am writing to...
Summer Open Evening Please click the link above to find information about our Summer Open...
We are delighted to be hosting our Summer Fair again – hooray! Please see the...
We are so excited and proud to announce that our Year 3 and 4 girls...
June 2023...
Dear all, June is Pride month and to show our support we will be encouraging...
Its been a very successful week for our school sports. This week our Year 6...
This week, Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic Ancient Egyptian museum visit with Shropshire museums!...
What is Early Help? Please click the link above for more information! We want all...
Monday 15th May 2023 Dear families, Please find the newsletter for 15.5.23 attached here. ...
Year 6 pupils If you are the parent of a Year 6 pupil, please read...
Supporting the community – Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School Posted on April 21, 2023 Lowfield...
Throughout the spring term, our Year 3 children have been learning all about programming. With...
Today Year 3 were lucky enough to set up a teams meeting with Ann Angel,...
We were so proud of our Reception children today. They represented our school perfectly –...
Mrs Dornan-Steer’s class have had the opportunity to work with our fantastic artist, Mr Farlow,...
A lovely message off Lowfield Timber Frames for us all 😀 Facebook...
Scarlet Fever Information (based on advice from the Health Protection Hub) December 2022 5.12.22 Dear...
18.11.22.pub Good afternoon, Please click on the link to find the newsletter. Enjoy your weekend....
Tomorrow, we will be supporting Children In Need. Children can come to school dressed in...
What a lovely afternoon the children have had enjoying their wide range of enrichment activities....
7th November 2022 Please find the link for the newsletter attached above. Best wishes, Mrs...
Please find attached our Online Safety Newsletter for November Online Safety Newsletter Primary November 2022_Sir...
Rotakids Stickman Championship 2022 This is the first competition run by the new Rotakids Committee....
Please click the link below to access #SAF News for Week Ending: 30.9.22 30.9.22 ...
Please see attached from the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Team Here-for-parents...
Please see attached information regarding Telford and Wrekin’s 10 by 10 initiative 10-by10-Adventure 10by10-letter...
We’re SO proud of our class – all of the children have been doing the...
Today we have been busy learning about the role of a shopkeeper. We began by...
10.2.22. What a treat! Dave and Amy came in to tell us about their job...
We enjoyed lots of Pudsey activities in forest school today. We made spotty hot chocolate!...