The end of a great first week!

Dear parents and carers,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for you patience and understanding in our first week back. It has run very smoothly and most of you have been great at following the one-way system and remembering to socially distancing from each other. Our children have been wonderful and followed all procedures in school. Their behaviour this week has been exceptional and their teachers are very proud of them.

As of next week, our start time is 8.30-8.45am for all children and the finish time is 3pm. We are still having drop-off and collection points as the classroom external doors. Please continue to follow the one-way system and enter through the main gates and leave via the car park gates. Staff are supervising the gates in the morning and will make you go back the other way; this is in place to protect you, our children, staff and their families. Please be mindful when waiting for your child to enter their class that you are stood away from other families.

If you are late in the morning (after 8.45am), you will need to bring your child to the main office so we can record the time they enter school and the reason why they are late.

On your child’s PE day they need to arrive in school in PE kit and trainers (burgundy or white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and a grey hoodie).

Enjoy your weekend.

See you on Monday,

Katy Tomlinson

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