Snack time is tasty and filled with learning!

We have a daily snack in which children socialise, prepare and taste healthy foods, not to mention the maths that takes place such as ensuring every child has a cup.

We promote self-regulation through offering our children china cups. The also wait their turn to pour their own milk. We are very proud of how independent they have become.

Every moment is a learning opportunity; We have been thinking about seeds and so today we tasted watermelon. Firstly, we described the watermelon in many different ways. We noticed it had stripes, it rolled and it was heavy. Then we predicted what it might look like inside! Predictions are a crucial part of our reading curriculum throughout school. We had images to scaffold our ideas. Then we cut it open! This was a joyous moment!

“Pink and seedy!”

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
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Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
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