
School Uniform Expectations 2024

Uniform Expectations 2024 <– click here

Good afternoon,

At Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery, we believe children should feel a sense of pride in being a member of our school family. This is reflected in the pride they show when wearing our school uniform.

We commit to our duty to make sure that our uniform is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform. We try to ensure that uniform is available at a reasonable cost and that it provides the best value for our parents and carers.

Please find attached the ‘Uniform Expectations for September 2024’.

We are sending this out now so that you can familiarise yourself with it and ensure that you are confident in any purchases you make over the summer holidays.

Best wishes,

Mrs Tomlinson





On Friday 5th July, 10 children represented the school at the LEGO League Festival.  It was an exciting and vibrant event, drawing together schools in a day filled with innovation, creation and learning.


The day consisted of STEM activities which tested the children’s problem-solving skills.  The children worked well as a team throughout the day, taking part in numerous activities including code breaker, gutter alley, badge making, VR activities and much more.


After months of creating and testing their models the children were able to share their designs and journey with the judges.  The judges were impressed by the creativity, technical skills, and teamwork displayed by both teams from our school.


Well done!

First school in Telford to achieve the CQM award!

NCCE Computing Quality Mark <– click here to see the certificate 


We’re delivering great computing education! We’ve achieved the Computing Quality Mark, from the National Centre for Computing Education, recognising the outstanding provision across our school. @wearecomputing #Computingqualityframework #compqf

A huge well done to Mr Andrew and Mrs Lane for their dedication to gaining this award and to all the teaching team for their amazing provision.

Our children love computing lessons and their knowledge and skills has developed well – it is our future!

Our Sequence of Learning for Expressive Art and Design – Printing

This term in nursery we have explored printing, following the whole school pedagogy for Art.

Practitioners plan a range of carefully timed experiences, including enhancements to the environment and adult directed activities in order to develop children’s knowledge and skills in printing.

The sequence culminated in the children creating Ghanaian inspired Kente Cloths using clay and paint. This also linked to their learning about the continent of Africa.

Summer Water Safety

The Health Protection Hub at Telford & Wrekin Council have asked us send out some information to you on summer water safety.  With the current hot weather, children, particularly older children, may look to go swimming in open water to cool down and have fun.  This comes with various risks – cold water shock, currents, hidden underwater dangers and diseases such as Weil’s disease. 46% of drownings occur in the summer months and this rises to 75% amongst 13–17 year olds. Educating children on these dangers is important in preventing tragic incidents.

The Royal Life Saving Society and the Canal & River Trust have some good resources with more information on this to discuss with your children:

General: https://www.rlss.org.uk/Pages/Category/water-safety-information

For secondary school and primary junior-age children:  https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/safety-on-our-waterways/summer-water-safety

For early years and primary infantshttps://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/safety-on-our-waterways/water-safety-tips-for-parents


Technology in Sport for Sports Week

As it’s our Sports Week this week, some of our KS2 classes are taking part in a webinar all about technology that is used in sport. From VAR to GPS vests, technology is EVERYWHERE! The children also found out about how technology can help make sport more inclusive, including in wheelchairs and blades for runners. It was a really interesting session and the children got a lot out of it.

Rothesay Classic Birmingham Tennis Tournament Trip

We bought some tickets for the Rothesay Classic Birmingham Tennis Tournament, to take some of our Year 4/5 children to experience a large professional sporting event. Many of the world’s top players were in the draw, including Caroline Wozniaki and Heather Watson. The children were able to watch the matches on the 2,500 seater main stadium court, join in with some sporting activities and watch some of the players practise on the surrounding courts. We had many comments about how well the children were behaving and we hope they enjoyed their experience! They were even able to take away a ball that had been used on the courts by the players!

Nursery Open Day Wednesday 19th June 3:30-4:15pm

Come and visit our nursery this week!

We have 15 and 30 hour flexible places for 2-3 year olds from September 2024.

We will be taking ‘Rising Threes’. This means if your child is 3 already, or turns 3 between now and December 20th, they qualify for a place in our nursery.

We look forward to meeting and playing with you soon!