
Safer Internet Day 2025

We marked Safer Internet Day today with a variety of activities. The theme this year is: ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘. We gathered in the hall for an assembly led by our Digital Leaders. They ‘scammed’ children into thinking they were winning some tempting prizes, but actually there were some bad consequences! The message was that if things are too good to be true…they often are!

Later on, EYFS used songs and small world play to tell the stories about being safe. KS1 took part in a variety of different activities and KS2 took part in the BBC Live Lesson where we had to identify the signs of a scam.

We even got a shout out on the BBC news feed!

Numbers Day in Nursery!

In nursery we celebrated by dressing up and welcoming our parents to a special assembly all about numbers.

We sang and chanted songs and showed our parents how each song could help with a different aspect of mathematics. We repeated stem sentences and looked at the models and images we use.

We also chatted about subitising and it’s importance in our curriculum.

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt . . .

We explore stories from our unique reading spine in a variety of ways in order to develop vocabulary and understanding.

Today the children in nursery splashed in water, squelched in mud and stumbled through trees in order to find a bear!

We were also able to innovate the story as the grass was not long and wavy. The children described it as, “short and frosty!” We also added ice to the story and slipped and slid on it!

This also inspired mark-making.

Raising Money for Severn Hospice

Before Christmas, the staff baked lots of tasty treats for a series of coffee mornings to raise money for Severn Hospice. Nikki, from the charity, came in to say thank you today for the total money raised which was £204. The charity do amazing work and to find out more then please see here: Home – Severn Hospice

Crumble Fairground Rides

To complete our Computing unit this term, Year 5 are coding and creating their own fairground rides. They had to make the sparkle flash green for go, then start spinning using a motor and then flash red when it was stopping. Everybody worked very hard and should be proud of their creations!

C is for Community

This term in the EYFS the children are exploring the overarching theme of community.

The role-play area has been enhanced to enable children to show what they know about shops and supermarkets. Their language is being extended as they learnt about receipts, cashiers and aisles. It is also a rich opportunity to explore purposeful mark-making during play as children write shopping lists, receipts and food labels. The children have also been learning about foods and cultural foods eaten by the families we serve.

Children are being taught directly about shops during small group sessions in which they have shared information books, listened to environmental sounds in shops and learnt poems about key concepts such as trolleys.

The children in Reception are visiting a local shop in order to gain even more knowledge that they can use and apply in their acting.


Year 5 Visit to Telford Central Mosque

We had the opportunity to visit Telford Central Mosque to tie in with our RE unit last term. The Imam welcomed us and explained some of the key principles of prayer as a Muslim. We went into the main prayer space and found out how often Muslims pray, where they face and why the building is build the way it is. We all found the experience very useful and learnt lots!

Euan: “I found out that Muslims face Meccah when they pray. For us in England, it is South-East.”
Emilee: “I liked that the walls were fairly plain as it meant people won’t get distracted when they pray.”
LaShanda: “I liked finding out about what times Muslims pray and how it changes over the year.”

Crumbles in Year 5 Computing

In our Computing lessons this term we have been using Crumbles. We have been programming them to light up, use a motor and also to use a switch. We have had to debug along the way and have all made brilliant progress!

Young Coders

11 of our UKS2 children have signed up for the Young Coders competition this term. We will be working on Scratch to design a game to help people ‘Budget Better’, which is this year’s theme. We analysed a range of games today to get some ideas for our own ones. We are excited to see what they come up with!

Design Brief: To Design A Patterned Decoration From Malleable Materials

We followed the whole school sequence of learning for Design Technology in order to design a patterned, malleable decoration.

We used photographs of Christmas Trees and appraised patterned baubles.

We then explored ways to create everyday patterns and then repeating patterns. This supported our vocabulary development.

Then we explore salt dough and clay and ways to create patterns such as pressing, using tools, beads and sequins.

We evaluated our designs and discussed what we liked and how we could improve them.

The decorations took pride of place on our Christmas Tree.