Goodbye Year 6

Today, we say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils as it is the final day of our bubble system. This year things have been a bit different and we did not get to enjoy a Leavers’ Assembly in which all pupils are able to come together to celebrate their remarkable achievements These occasions are often sad and emotional; however, they are primarily a time for joy and celebration as we reflect on the journey of our pupils while at primary school and to also look forward towards the journey that they are all about to embark upon as they move into their new secondary schools. Although, we have been unable to do this we are still extremely emotional and value the work, effort and joy the children brought to the school during their time with us and we will hold the memories of them close to our hearts.

Our Year 6 group this year have been outstanding; not just in their academic achievements but in how they have handled these difficult circumstances, with resilience, independence, creativity, etc. They are a credit to themselves, their families and our school and I would like to wish each of them every success in the future. We will miss them immensely and still hope we can have an opportunity to get them all together again soon, with your support, to have a ‘goodbye’ and to provide closure for us all.

Thank you for the memories Year 6 – it has been a wonderful journey and we are privileged to be a part of your stories.

Miss Walters, Miss Killick, Mrs Hall, Miss Brown, Mrs Sermon and Mrs Meadows

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