Harvest Collection 2020





Dear Parents and Carers,

Normally at this time of year, the classes are usually collecting food parcels in their classes, putting together wonderful work and practicing songs to share with each other  during our Harvest celebrations. Due to the virus, we will be unable to celebrate Harvest in the same way this year.

Traditionally, we would be asking you to kindly donate items of food to share with families less fortunate than ourselves. This year, we will be asking you to donate any loose change that you may have and this will be donated to Telford Crisis Support.

All the small change will be collected in the classrooms from Monday 5th October 2020, and this will then be given to Telford Crisis Support. They will then tell us how many food parcels we have managed to fund through collecting our loose change. There will be a prize, donated by our Friends of School for the class that collects the most loose change.

We hope that you can join us in collecting for a very needed local cause this Harvest time.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson


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