Good Morning!
Hope you all have a good day 🙂
Here’s some more ideas for activities to support the children to achieve the ‘Early Learning Goal’ set by the Government.
Maths – some ideas for adding – Parents, you could just read them from the screen and the children have a go at them, or use ‘real’ things to add, that you have at home e.g. leaves/stones/toys. If you’ve got resources, children could draw/write what they have added together, but doing it practically and talking about it, is perfect 🙂
Phonics – the children have been taught the sounds that ‘oo’ and ‘ng’ make in words. (Please use the Jolly Phonics song on You tube if they want to check.) Again, you don’t have to print them off, just support your child to have a go at sounding out and blending the words to read them on the screen.
Please keep sending in all the lovely photos – it’s great to keep up with all the fantastic things the children are doing at home! Another fun idea (from one of the families in Reception) is to let the children be a ‘photographer’ on your daily walk – it really helps the children look out for things and appreciate their surroundings. See if you can spot signs of Spring… Have fun!
Wed 22nd Phonics ph3
Weds 22nd Using Quantities and Objects They Add Two Single-Digit Numbers