
The school uniform colour is as follows: burgundy with pale blue

Boys/Girls: plain burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without logo)
Gold / white / pale blue polo shirts / white shirts / blouses
Black or grey trousers (leggings are not permitted)
Black or grey skirt
Black shoes / appropriate smart boots (no heels)

For reasons of health and hygiene, all children must wear appropriate school shoes every day and no trainers are allowed unless they are for PE or specific activities. High-heeled boots or shoes or fashion/flimsy footwear including open-toes sandals must not be worn to school at any time.


If earrings are worn, these must be plain flat studs and restricted to one only in each ear lobe. Hooped earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons. Earrings must be removed / taped over during PE and the children must provide their own tape / plasters.
Children are permitted to wear a wrist watch but the school takes no responsibility if the item is lost or broken. Bracelets and necklaces are not permitted.


All children with long hair, must ensure that it is tied back at all times and particularly for PE. The school strongly discourages children coming into school with ‘extremes’ of hair styles/hair colours – whilst we fully appreciate children want to follow fashion trends, this is not appropriate for school.

The school values the support and understanding of parents on this issue.

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
Safeguarding Logo
Diversity Matters
Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
Shropshire Cricket Primary School of Year 2023
Skills Builder
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© Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School 2022
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