The children and practitioners in nursery have had a wonderful start to the term.
We support children to transition into nursery in many different ways, starting with home visits. This enables children to meet their teacher in the place they feel most comfortable and allows parents and staff to chat about important information that will shape the provision offered to children in the EYFS. It builds the foundation for strong relationships between families, staff and children and we have continued to nurture these by interacting with the children at every opportunity.
Children have been exploring the environment and developing an understanding of the opportunities on offer and where resources are kept. ‘Sorting time’ is a wonderful time for mathematics. They are already beginning to show our school value of respect.
Routines are a crucial within our setting and children have been helped with visual timetables to involve themselves fully within these. They are starting to show the ability to self-regulate and following an adult’s instructions.
Educators pride themselves on getting to know children well and are continually interacting, observing and assessing what children can do and what they need next.