Nursery Challenge – Monday 27th April

Hello everyone,

Hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for some more challenges this week!

As always, I look forward to seeing your completed challenges and all of the lovely things you have been up to on Seesaw.

Miss Dornan

Nursery Challenges – Monday 20th April

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a fantastic Easter break and enjoyed the nice weather. Importantly, I hope you had some chocolate to enjoy too! This week the children have a range of challenges to complete. I look forward to finding out what they are doing and have been enjoying as they complete them.

If you haven’t already done so, please connect to our Nursery seesaw account to upload any photos or to access any videos that the nursery team uploads. We access it daily. I also want to say a big thank you to all parents who have been posting to seesaw, I have really enjoyed seeing the lovely things your child has been up to. Well done!

I hope that you are all well and keeping safe. Can’t wait to see you all very soon.

Miss Dornan

Home Learning Challenges

Dear Parents,

A big well done to you all, I have loved seeing all of the lovely activities and fantastic challenges you have been doing with your children over the past two weeks. Thank you for sharing them and keeping in contact via your seesaw account, please keep doing so. For those parents who haven’t yet connected to seesaw, please use the QR code provided in your home learning pack.

You have all worked so hard, please enjoy your Easter break. However, if you would like to continue to complete challenges, then please find the Easter home learning challenges on your seesaw account for some ideas about baking, painting and card making for your children to enjoy over the next two weeks.

Have a very happy Easter and keep safe.

Miss Dornan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths day

The children had a fantastic time conducting lots of different experiments in the nursery today.

We created a volcanic eruption, blew lots and lots of bubbles, enjoyed feeling the gloop and making flip books.


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