Please ensure your children stay inside after school

Our first week back to school is well underway and our children are showing great resilience at adapting to new routines. Some children have mentioned meeting up outside of school and we understand that it is confusing for them when they are together all day. At this current time, although we are back at school, we are still not out of lockdown and we want to remind you to keep following Government guidance, to keep everyone safe. This means, you must stay at home. The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

Hopefully some ‘normality’ is not that far away!

January letter to parents and carers

Dear all,

Please find attached a letter to all parents and carers

Letter to parents 24.1.21

Please enjoy the snow today! We don’t get much of it, so build snowmen, have snowball fights and drink hot chocolate!

Have fun!

Katy Tomlinson


Christmas Cards

Good evening all,

As we approach the Christmas season I have had to make a few decisions to ensure the safety of all children and staff in schools.

We would still like the children to write Christmas cards for their friends and teachers but we must insist that they only write them for people within their bubble / class. We will not be having a post box within school this year so each class will collect their own cards. The cards will need to be quarantined for 72 hours before handing them out to children. We are asking that all Christmas cards are delivered to school no later than Friday 11th December and they will be handed out in the last week of term for children to take home.

Sadly, we will not be having a Christmas Fair this year but we will be having a raffle. Information has been sent out by the Friends of School today regarding the selling of raffle tickets starting on Monday 30th November.

We are currently in talks with Father Christmas about ways in which we can safely get him to come to school to visit our children. We obviously need to make sure that he is fit and healthy for his very busy Christmas Eve – I will update you on this as soon as I can.

Christmas Dinner day will go ahead in the last week of term. We will send information out about this next week.

Christmas jumper day is Friday 11th December.

Enjoy your weekend

Katy Tomlinson

Positive Covid-19 case

Tuesday 10th November 2020,

 Dear Parents / Carers,

It is with a heavy heart that I need to inform you that we have our first Positive Case of COVID-19 at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School.

We have been in contact with Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub and they have advised us on the action to take. We have spent a long time this morning tracking where our lunchtime supervisor has been and any close contacts she may have had on Thursday and Friday last week. We have contacted all of those parents and those children are now self-isolating. We also have six members of staff who are self-isolating. These children and staff will return to school on Friday 20th November but not earlier.

What to do if you develop symptoms of COVID-19

If you develop symptoms of Covid-19, you should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when your symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119. Or can be referred by the Health Protection Hub’s single point of referral, which is the preferred route for Telford and Wrekin

All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.

The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.

Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community.

If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period.

Symptoms of COVID-19

The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID 19) are recent onset of:

  • A new continuous cough and/or
  • High temperature and/or
  • A loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.  Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms.

How to stop COVID-19 spreading

There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19


  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • Use hand sanitiser gel (with 60% alcohol) if soap and water are not available
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards

Further information

Further information is available at

Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,

Mrs Tomlinson



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