Celebrating our Inclusive School!

Dear all,

June is Pride month and to show our support we will be encouraging children and staff to come to school dressed in colourful clothing. We pride ourselves on being inclusive of everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

There is no charge for this and if you do not wish to participate then please come in school uniform.

Mrs Tomlinson

What is Early Help?

What is Early Help?

Please click the link above for more information!

We want all children at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery to enjoy a happy, safe and healthy childhood and be able to reach their full potential. Sometimes a child or family might need extra support, and we want to find the best way forward for everyone as quickly as possible. EARLY HELP means taking action to support a child, young person or their family as soon as a problem emerges. It can be required at any stage in a child’s life, from pre-birth to adulthood, and applies to any problem or need that the family can’t deal with alone.

Our Early Help offer at SAF is extensive and it is to enable everyone to work together to put your family at the heart of decisions made about your child.

NSPCC: Speak out. Stay safe!


Good afternoon,

I am pleased to tell you that this term we will be participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme. I have attached a letter for you to look over which outlines the details.

Mrs Vickers, our PSHE lead, would be delighted to answer any queries you may have about this workshop.


Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy September 2022

Please find our school behaviour policy attached for you to read through. This is always available to you on the school website in our policies section. We review this every year and make changes linked to any safeguarding information that is updated.

If you would like a paper copy, then please ask Mrs Pilgrim at the office.

Best wishes,

Mrs Tomlinson



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