SEND parents carers wellbeing newsletter Spring 2020

The newsletter contains hints and tips that can be used for home education along with advice and support for mental health and wellbeing.

Telford and WrekinSEND ParentCarers Wellbeing Letter March 2020 have added a new page to the Local Offer with resources for children, young people, families and professionals. You will find the link on the homepage of the Local Offer ( and follow the link: Resources for learning and wellbeing for all children, including those with SEND, this page will be updated every time we find new resources.

URGENT – Free School Meals

If you are eligible for FSM then please send your email address, full name and child’s name to as a matter of urgency.
We are trying to organise your FSM vouchers and still have 75 email addresses missing!

School News

Dear parents and carers,

What a first week of isolation it has been for all of us! As a world, we are experiencing something like never before. Staff at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School and Nursery recognises the part we play in caring for children of frontline staff. The staff here are trying hard to avoid illness, so that we can remain open for as long as is necessary.

If you require a place at school because you are a key worker, or have been directed to  then please complete the booking form, which can be found on our website and email to the school email address Mrs Pilgrim will then book your places and we can organise the correct number of staff. We are currently operating a skeletal staff and Mrs Pilgrim is only in the office on a Monday and a Friday morning. If you have any queries then please email the school as these are answered, do not phone.

The booking form is attached here: Key-Worker-Booking-Form

Class teachers have been uploading activities to the class pages on the website and seesaw. During the official Easter break, which is due to begin on Friday 3rd April, there will be no work uploaded as we would hope that children can have their holiday. Work will resume to be uploaded on Monday 20 April. Thank you to all families who have been putting completed work on Seesaw. 🙂

Over the last week, there have been many reports of children being seen outside on the parks, outside the shop, hanging round in groups; as a nation, we need to be following the advice of the Government and staying in our homes. We will not be able to slow the spread of the virus, if we continue to allow our children to play with each other. We need to ensure that we are adhering to the social distancing policy that has been put in place. If children are seen out of their houses in groups, then they can be reported to the police and the parents will be charged.

If you are entitled to Free School Meals and there has been issues relating to their delivery, please go on and report the problem. The lunches are being prepared using our facilities but being delivered by Telford and Wrekin.

Stay safe everyone

Mrs Tomlinson


Friday is Lego club day!

Friday is usually Lego club for a selected group of Year 2 and 3 children, however, during school closure it is open for everyone!

So lunchtime today, I would like you to take on your first Lego club challenge. Don’t forget to post a picture of your creation if you can.

(If you don’t have any Lego, use your imagination – you could use any type of building blocks, cardboard boxes, e.t.c.) 

Today’s challenge;

Build something that you could live in. 

I look forward to seeing your creations. Happy building.

Mrs Pigg


Good Morning!

A huge ‘Thank you’ to our parents who have connected up to Seesaw. The photos, videos and messages are keeping us all sane, as we are missing all of the children so much.

It’s fantastic to see the children drawing, making models, exercising, cooking, growing things, having a go at telling the time, reading, writing/drawing shopping lists, tying their shoelaces, making pretend shops, playing and learning with real money, doing scavenger hunts, bird watching… the list is endless, but the most important part is, your children are having fun with you. They are learning, being independent and developing resilience.

For those parents who haven’t connected to Seesaw, please do. (The QR code and access details were in your home learning packs – the first page in the wallet.) This is a safe online platform where we are sharing ideas for work/activities.

Thank you again and stay safe everyone,

Mrs Casswell, Mrs Geran & Miss Dornan.