Schoolopoly Winners!!

‘Schoolopoly’ winners for Week Commencing 10th February 2020 are:

Mrs Geran                                         97.00%

Mr Warren                                         97.00%

Miss Kibblewhite                               97.04%

Miss Pound                                        97.22%

Miss Walters                                      97.32%

Mrs Vickers                                        97.70%

Mr Broderick                                      98.55%

Miss Jones                                          99.07%

Mrs Caswell                                        99.11%

A huge well done to all of the classes! They will enjoy their roll on the schoolopoly board and win a fun treat for Friday afternoon!

Mufti Day

Thank you to everyone who came to school dressed in their own clothes and donated their £1 to help us raise money to fund a trip to America for a young boy called Charlie, who attends John Randall Primary School. Hopefully, with the support of our community he will raise enough to have life saving proton therapy for stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer. As a school, we raised £334.00 so once again, thank you!

Parking on the yellow zigzag lines

From Friday 31 January 2020, Telford and Wrekin are now responsible for civil parking enforcement or ‘CPE’. This means that it will be Telford & Wrekin Council, not the police, enforcing street parking restrictions across the borough. If you park illegally you will be subject to a fine called a penalty charge notice (or ‘PCN’) of £70 or £50 depending on the severity of the contravention. There’s a 50% discount for paying within 14 days.

CPE isn’t about making money for the Council. It’s about clearing the borough of illegal and inconsiderate parking. Our Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers work for Telford & Wrekin Council, not an external agency. They do not have ticketing targets and they do not get bonuses for issuing tickets.

As a school, we are constantly reminding parents that it is illegal for them to park on the yellow zigzag lines outside of school. It is unsafe and dangerous for our children and parents who are walking their children to school. Telford and Wrekin council will now fine you for parking on these lines and as a school we will fully support the council by reporting in repeat offenders.

If you do not wish to be offended when asked to move, do not park or drop off on the yellow zigzag lines.


We have started our ‘Schoolopoly’ again!

The classes who have received over 97% during the week get to play on the ‘Schoolopoly’ board and win a treat for an hour in the afternoon!

The winning classes this week are:

Mr Broderick with 97.39%

Mrs Vickers with 97.78%

Miss Jones with 97.78%

Mr Warren with 99.20%

Miss Walters with a phenomenal 100%!


As part of their PSHE topic, Year 5 have been considering how to become entrepreneurs. They have looked at the horrific events that have been taking place in Australia and have decided that they would like to raise money for the families, fire service and animals that have been affected by the bush fires.

They will be selling hot dogs after school from Mr Broderick’s classroom door from 3pm for £1. Please come along and show your support for such wonderful and thoughtful children and a deserving event.


Staff Kurling Competition

Over the last two weeks, children have been learning the skills of New Age Kurling in PE lessons. New Age Kurling is a sport that requires participants to deliver ‘stones’ from one end of the court to a target at the other end of the court. The target has red, white and blue concentric circles and scoring is determined by the number of stones closest to the centre of this target.

Teachers have been envious of the fun children were having in lessons so this evening, Mr Stevens and Mr Graham organised a teacher’s competition. Teachers were paired into teams and played many games of New Age Kurling. The competition was close and there were stones zooming all over the hall floor; some with precision and careful aiming, others with not so much planning. After all teams had competed against each other and a very competitive heated hour, the winning pair was Mr Graham and Mrs Tomlinson with 16 points. What a team!

Well done to all that participated; it’s such a shame that we have to return this equipment soon.

Scooter and Bikes

The children were reminded last week in assembly about using the paths within school when they are taking their bikes or scooters to the bike shed. Unfortunately, we still have children as young as five riding their bikes and scooters across the carpark unsupervised by an adult. If your child travels to school on their bike or scooter then parents must supervise their young children and older children who travel to school independently need to be reminded to use the paths.

Over the Easter holidays, we are having work completed on the school car park and the bike shed will be relocated to the main entrance. This will stop children freely accessing the car park unsupervised.

In the meantime, if children are not using the footpaths provided to keep them safe, then we will need to consider stopping children from bringing their bikes or scooters to school.

Early Bird Week

Next week is Early Bird Week.
All children will have received an Early Bird chart in assembly from Mrs O’Donnell. Everyday your child arrives at school on time (8.30-8.45) the teachers will put a stamp on their charts. If your child arrives at school on time everyday then their chart will go into a prize draw and they could win some amazing prizes!

So, set those alarm clocks for a little bit earlier, pack your school bags the night before, send your PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school all week, make your packed lunches the night before and get to school before those doors close at 8.45am.

Breakfast Club is always available and is open from 7.30am everyday. Just pop and see Mrs Pilgrim to book your place.

STEM club visit to Engineering department at Wolverhampton Uni

On Wednesday afternoon, STEM club, along with our STEM ambassadors, were kindly invited to the home of the Engineering school at the University of Wolverhampton to have a tour of the facilities and take part in some activities.

The children attempted to perform a tyre change on an F1 car. They were allowed to have a practice go before being timed by one of the engineers. Paris came out top with the fastest time of 7.23 seconds and was presented with a prize of a model car. The engineers commented how the times set by the children were as good as, if not better, than the actual engineers at the school.

Children were then invited to have a go at the F3 race car simulator where they had to set the fastest lap. Well done to Faythe for setting the fastest time.

Paul then took us on a tour of the factory and showed the children a lot of machinery to explain how parts of the cars were manufactured. Paul discussed the range of materials used and why they are used. He showed how the ideas start as a design (CAD) before being manufactured (CAM).

The children left completely enthused by the whole experience and we thank Paul and his team for the afternoon.


End of day procedures

We have been reviewing our safeguarding practices and end of day procedures in school and we are making some changes to how the children are released at 3pm. From Wednesday 8 January 2020, every child will need to be collected from their own classroom external doors at 3pm as we will no longer be allowing siblings to move through school.
If your child is to be collected by somebody different then please ensure you have phoned the school office before 2.45pm and have given the name of the person collecting and a password.