Lisa Pigg
Assistant Headteacher / SENDCo

Welcome to SEND and TLC

Speakers at the Westminster SEND forum.

Mrs Pigg and Mrs Tomlinson have spoken at the Westminster Education Forum and talked about our SEND provision in school. They championed the need for more funding for SEND needs and for earlier intervention in EYFS. We have an exemplary provision for our SEND learners and it was positive to celebrate how our school adapts to fit the needs of our pupils.


WEdF SEND Speaker Biographies – 15.07.24

See previous messages & posts

Welcome to the SEND and TLC page.

Lots of children (and adults) ask us what we do so our page is set up to let you know! TLC room is where Mrs Pigg, school SENCO and Mrs Jones Davenport on a Thursday afternoon are situated. You may also find our school dog, Honey in here too.

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Speakers at the Westminster SEND forum.
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Schools week article – attendance
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Inclusion: A tale of five rooms!
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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Speakers at the Westminster SEND forum.
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Schools week article – attendance
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Inclusion: A tale of five rooms!