Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy September 2022

Please find our school behaviour policy attached for you to read through. This is always available to you on the school website in our policies section. We review this every year and make changes linked to any safeguarding information that is updated.

If you would like a paper copy, then please ask Mrs Pilgrim at the office.

Best wishes,

Mrs Tomlinson



Attendance Newsletter – February 2023

Attendance Newsletter – February 2023


We have decided to make some changes to our newsletters so that we can provide you with as much school information as possible but in a meaningful way.

Each week, we will have a different newsletter coming out to you – this week it is our Attendance Newsletter! Click the link above!

We will also have our Online Safety and Safeguarding Newsletter which will feature a section from our ECadets, SAF News and Updates, School Council Pupil News!

Enjoy reading our Attendance Newsletter! Mrs O’ Donnell is super proud of how amazing our attendance is this week!!

Thankyou for your continued support.

Newsletter 1.1.23

1st January 2023

Good afternoon,

Wishing you a happy new year and may all your dreams come true in 2023! Please find our newsletter attached.
It includes some of the dates you need for Spring term as well as some important information.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th January at 8.30am 🙂 Mrs Tomlinson

Scarlet Fever Information

Scarlet Fever Information (based on advice from the Health Protection Hub)
December 2022


Dear Parents/Carers,

You may have heard the sobering news of a six-year-old child dying after contracting a Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infection in an outbreak in a school in Surrey.  The common childhood illness scarlet fever is caused by this bacterium and in the vast majority of cases is a mild illness but can sometimes be more severe.

Signs and symptoms of scarlet fever

The early symptoms of scarlet fever include sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. After 12 to 48 hours the characteristic red, pinhead rash develops, typically, first appearing on the chest and stomach, then rapidly spreading to other parts of the body, and giving the skin a sandpaper-like texture. The scarlet rash may be harder to spot on darker skin, although the ‘sandpaper’ feel should be present. Patients typically have flushed cheeks and pallor around the mouth. This may be accompanied by a ‘strawberry tongue’. As the child improves peeling of the skin can occur.

If you suspect your child could have Scarlet Fever, please

  • Seek advice from their general practitioner.
  • Keep your child off school and seek advice from the doctor as to how long your child should be off.
  • Inform school of any diagnosis and absence.

What we are already doing:

  • Encouraging children and staff to implement good hand hygiene
  • Encouraging staff, children to implement good respiratory hygiene
  • Children and staff are reminded that all scrapes or wounds, especially bites, should be thoroughly cleaned and covered.
  • Maintaining good ventilation in the setting.
  • Carrying out enhanced cleaning, to help reduce transmission.

If you suspect your child has Scarlet Fever, it is important that you let school know as soon as you can. This early notification would support us in taking any necessary precautions to avoid further spread.

Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson