We have been learning about babies as part of an Understanding of the World project.
We have analysed objects, looked at baby photographs, learnt songs, nursery rhymes and explored a variety of books about babies.
We now know a range of vocabulary and concepts linked to this.
“Babies can’t walk very well. Need a pram.”
“I was a baby a long, long time ago. Now I am a child.”
“Babies need a high chair or they would fall off!”
“I’m a child. I have pants not a nappy.”
Today we had an expert visitor, a real baby visit the setting. We noticed the size of the baby, it’s clothing and the things it needed. We told his mummy what we knew and asked whether the baby drank from a bottle or had a nappy. We sang Reya a lullaby. We also met Rowan who is 1 and discussed how he is older than Reya but younger than us.