Nursery Challenges – Monday 4th May

Good morning,

Thank you for all of the fantastic pictures and videos you have been sending on seesaw.

I hope you are all well and ready for some more challenges this week!


How to find your child’s home learning activities

In these unprecedented times, the education of your children, alongside their safety and welfare, is extremely important to all of us and although we are unable to be together, we can still share learning activities with you. Our teachers love to teach and they are missing their classes immensely. They love that you communicate through seesaw with them and hopefully one day soon, when it is safe, a plan can go into place so that we can see you all again.

All year groups continue to upload activities linked to your child’s curriculum on the school website in their year group page each week.

I have attached a document to explain how to access these learning activities.

How to find your child’s learning

Our teaching team and inclusion team will continue to make calls to check that you are all okay. If you need any help or support with anything please contact us.

We hope you find it useful.

Mrs Tomlinson

Let’s have a picnic!

Friday 8th May is VE day!

This year will be 75 years since the end of the Second World War in Europe. To help us celebrate and commemorate this special day we need your help…

Decorate your houses in red, white and blue and hold your own VE day picnic at home with your family! If we happen to have our typical British weather, don’t worry it can be inside or outside.

So get your flags flying, hang your colourful bunting and have an amazing picnic with some delicious treats. We can’t wait to see how you celebrate on Friday 8th May, so please send pictures to your child’s class teacher.