A is for Alive!

During the summer term we embark on a project all about living things. Topics are chosen by staff in order to encompass seasonal fascinations, pre-requisite knowledge needed in later years and cultural capital opportunities.

At forest school this week we observed how the frogspawn we had found had changed and grown into tadpoles. We described the way they looked and how they moved and used an information book to develop our knowledge about the lifecycle of a frog. Some children subitised that there were four tadpoles. “I can see two and two and that makes four!”

We also found newts and were able to compare them to frogs.

Home Farm Attingham Visit

Today the nursery children visited a farm in Shrewsbury to deepen their knowledge of farm animals in a meaningful, real-life context. This knowledge is crucial to support their later learning in science.

The children have been exploring farm animals and their features in a range of ways including books, rhymes poems and games.

Today the children noticed the hair and snouts on the pigs, as well as the udders on the cows. They were able to feed lambs and kids using bottles of milk. This is the beginning of understanding which animals are mammals and how they can be identified. Seeing young animals also support their understanding of the season of spring and the lifecycles of animals.

The children had to use our school values of respect and bravery in order to care for and feed the animals.

It was a truly wonderful, memorable day.


British Science Week in Nursery

In the Early Years we pride ourselves on developing curious thinkers who notice features of the world around them. This week we have celebrated British Science week and invited our parents in to join in with our learning about the season of spring.

Curriculum topics are chosen by staff based on children’s interests, cultural capital and the knowledge we believe is fundamental to later learning. Children are taught pre-requisite knowledge for the key threads in the National Curriculum of Animals including Humans, Plants, Materials and Seasons.

We provide active, memorable learning experiences and children have ample opportunities to be immersed in the natural world. Through weekly forest school sessions and daily outdoor learning children are given holistic opportunities to develop their scientific enquiry skills including observation, prediction and generating questions. Check out the children looking at slugs and daffodils, hunting for signs of spring and planting beans.

Books are a high priority in our setting and both non-fiction and fiction texts are selected and shared with children regularly to develop their knowledge of key themes.  This week we used books about frogs to understand more about the frogspawn that we found in the pond. Nursery rhymes, songs and poems are taught and learnt which develop children’s scientific conceptual knowledge and vocabulary. This week we have been learning a poem called Popcorn and the children chanted it and noticed how the heat of the fire changed the hard kernels into soft, puffy pieces!

Some of these photographs will be added to our class timeline to support children to reflect and recall their learning and remember it as time passes.




Parent Partnership; Supporting Children’s Communication Skills

We regularly invite our parents in to observe our provision and join in with the fun!

This week parents have been shown how we support their child’s listening and communication skills through a daily Talk Boost group. They had an opportunity to discuss their child’s needs and listen to our advice about using talk at home. They also received some books to share with their child at home. This support is amazing and will make such a difference to their child’s learning and development.


World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March.
We have not dressed up in ages so we would children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There are prizes on offer so think creative and flamboyant; the more home-made the more chance of winning!
I can’t wait to get my costume ready 🙂

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt!

Educators at Sir Alexander Fleming have selected a reading spine of core literature that children will be immersed in throughout their time at our school.

These books are chosen as we believe they are a right of passage, they are age appropriate, they match recommendations from leaders who are experts in literacy and they give our children knowledge about diversity in our world. They also enable us to teach our curriculum and link to other subjects.

Nursery have been exploring Michael Rosen’s book. This books is awesome become it teaches children rhythm, repeated refrains and environmental sounds which is apart of our phonics curriculum. It is also developing children’s geographical understanding and understanding of the world around them. Children will be mapping out the places in the next few weeks.

It’s raining, it’s pouring . . .

Children attend weekly forest school sessions. These sessions provide amazing opportunities to explore the world around them, natural objects, the season and the weather.

Today we got soaked and had so much fun in the process! What better way to learn about the rain than be immersed in it!

We sang lots of songs and nursery rhymes about the rain in order to develop our conceptual knowledge and widen our vocabulary.

We used all of our senses to explore the rain. We talked about what we could see; water gushing down the drain, rain pitter-pattering on the puddles. We talked about what we could feel; the cold water on our skin, hair and tongues. We talked about what we could hear and imitated these sounds using our mouths which is a part of our pre-phonics learning. This is all really important knowledge the children will need for later in year one when they explore materials and whether some are waterproof.

This also helped our gross-motor skills. We applied the skilling of jumping that we have been exploring in our gymnastic sessions; landing of bended knees. Children needed to take manageable risks to jump from objects. Some even applied jumping and landing in a star shape.

Online Safety Newsletter – February 2024

Online Safety Newsletter from Knowsley Council.

Online Safety Newsletter February 2024

We have become significantly dependent on and accustomed to the digital services and devices we use for being online. Online safety plays a vital role in the proper use of these tools.

Online Threats

The internet, for all its glory and opportunities, does unfortunately feature threats and challenges. These might manifest as online abuse, bullying, threats, impersonation, grooming, harassment or exposure to offensive and/or violent content.

All of these are harms we have a duty to protect young people from – and we shouldn’t underestimate its seriousness. If young people are exposed to – or perpetrate – these behaviours, they can be life-altering.

  • A systematic, large-scale review of academic research found that victims of cyberbullying are more than twice as likely to self-harm or attempt suicide
  • There have been high-profile news stories about online grooming and its devastating effects
  • According to Ofcom, 45% of 12-15s who go online say they have seen something hateful about a group of people online in the last 12 months

Practice Online Safety

Being aware of and practicing online safety is the only way to mitigate these risks. They will always be present, but teaching young people how to manage harmful situations and content will ensure they are best-placed to benefit from their time online, free from harm.

Creating an online space that is led by the principles of online safety requires all of us to step up – to both practice online safety and to challenge bad and harmful behaviours online.

Understanding the consequences of our actions as well as the tools that are available for reporting and helping are the first stepping stones in being an educated and respectful digital citizen.

This Newsletter provides practical advice for parents!