The Den

Sarah Phillips
Den Leader
Hazel Jones-Davenport
Den Support

Welcome to The Den

Online Safety Newsletter – February 2024

Online Safety Newsletter from Knowsley Council.

Online Safety Newsletter February 2024

We have become significantly dependent on and accustomed to the digital services and devices we use for being online. Online safety plays a vital role in the proper use of these tools.

Online Threats

The internet, for all its glory and opportunities, does unfortunately feature threats and challenges. These might manifest as online abuse, bullying, threats, impersonation, grooming, harassment or exposure to offensive and/or violent content.

All of these are harms we have a duty to protect young people from – and we shouldn’t underestimate its seriousness. If young people are exposed to – or perpetrate – these behaviours, they can be life-altering.

  • A systematic, large-scale review of academic research found that victims of cyberbullying are more than twice as likely to self-harm or attempt suicide
  • There have been high-profile news stories about online grooming and its devastating effects
  • According to Ofcom, 45% of 12-15s who go online say they have seen something hateful about a group of people online in the last 12 months

Practice Online Safety

Being aware of and practicing online safety is the only way to mitigate these risks. They will always be present, but teaching young people how to manage harmful situations and content will ensure they are best-placed to benefit from their time online, free from harm.

Creating an online space that is led by the principles of online safety requires all of us to step up – to both practice online safety and to challenge bad and harmful behaviours online.

Understanding the consequences of our actions as well as the tools that are available for reporting and helping are the first stepping stones in being an educated and respectful digital citizen.

This Newsletter provides practical advice for parents!


See previous messages & posts

We had the most fabulous time on Friday celebrating David Attenborough’s birthday.  Our day was filled with all kinds of party fun such as, bouncy castles, ice creams and the lots of laughter.

Happy  98th birthday David Attenborough!

Year 2 have been busy learning how the can ‘bee’ kind to the plants, animals and the world around them. In the Den we believe that before being kind to someone else you have to be as kind to yourself!

What amazing describing words they have used to describe their beautiful selves.


We have future engineers in our Den at Sir Alexander Fleming!

Well done boys, what amazing marble runs you have created independently.




This term Year 2’s topic is ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’. They are learning all about the beautiful plants and animals that can be found in their gardens at home, at school and around the world. We have been super busy investigating butterflies, creating our own gardens using lots of different mediums, investigating just how amazing bees are and lots lots more.

They have even learnt a song to help them remember the life cycle of a butterfly!

We are getting ready for Easter in The Den this week! We have been super busy learning to layer mediums to create a collage of a rabbit.

Well done to all the children in The Den for working so hard 🙂

I wonder what we will make next!



Year 3 had the most magical morning meeting exotic animals from Jelly Exotic. The children got to meet all sort of animals, such as snakes, lizards and even spiders!

Q: How does the snake feel?

Albert: ‘It feels soft”

Q: How does the lizard feel?

Peter: ‘Rough’

Thank you Jelly exotic for coming to see us!

This week our Year 6’s have been very busy researching what a World War 1 soldier wore on the front line. So, they recreated a WW1 soldiers helmet. They used papier mache, paint and lots of patience.  We all had a great time 🙂

Q: What was your favourite part of recreating a World War 1 soldier’s helmet?

Harrison: “Wearing it, it was super fun.”



Last week in The Den we discovered clay.

The year 6’s got straight to work replicating a WW1 medal that they had researched. Then, they worked in teams to create a poppy flower bowl. How amazing do they look?

The years 3&4 created their own rainforest tile remembering all the things they have learnt so far. They blew us away with their clay making skills.

What else is there better to do on a Monday morning?

Practising our fine motor skills and hand eye coordination with a spot of tennis.

We are always super busy in The Den! Here are some highlights so far this academic year 🙂



In the Den we do whatever we feel is best to get the best out of each and every child.

We understand that each child is different and we are passionate in making sure they achieve.

But, we defiantly can’t go a day without a good dance and sing song 🙂

Happy Friday!





This term, year 3 and 4 are learning all about rainforests. We have been super busty so far this term creating rainforest fact files, discovering where rainforests are located, the animals that live there, the food that grows there, the people that live there, but also the dangers of the rainforest and how people are destroying it.

We have also been super busy creating paper chain pythons, deigning ourselves as explorers and making a rainforest scene using an animal of our choice. We can’t wait to show you what else we have been up too 🙂

At Sir Alexander Fleming we pride ourselves on the provisions that we offer all of our children. This is The Den, a nurture room catered for Key Stage 2 children.

The Den is split up in morning sessions and afternoon sessions. We never stop learning in The Den so this means that all children complete most of their curriculum based work with us, but in a smaller, quieter and settled environment, with two adults to support them at all times.

The Den – A home away from home!

Christmas has officially arrived in The Den!

How can you celebrate this time of year without a tuff tray FULL of snow, trees, tinsel and even Father Christmas?

Christmas is a time for celebrating, being with loved ones, but also giving. So this week we have been super busy making our own Christmas cards to give to people with love and care for, making mince pies to handout to people all around school (they were super yummy!) and even using only recyclable items to make our Christmas decoration out of. You always have to be kind to nature!

We hope you all have a magical Christmas full of joy 🙂

Love From Miss Phillips, Mrs Jones-Davenport and our amazing children!

What was your favourite part of the workshop?

“I made this hedge using branches, just like a stone man!” Brandon Year 3

This week in The Den we have read The Colour Monster. This book talks about all sorts of feelings such as; happiness, anger, sadness, fear, calmness and love.

It is incredibly important for us all to know how we feel and why that might be, but most importantly to know that is it ok to feel this way!

This book has let us explore our feelings more broadly and to talk about them comfortably with our peers.

“I feel loved when I am being hugged” Emily Year 3.

This week in The Den we have been reading a book by Anne Twist, called Betty and the mysterious visitor. We started the week off by predicting who the mysterious visitor may be. We had some amazing suggestions, such as a tiger and even a fury fox!

In the story, Betty sells jam at the local market with her grandma. So we thought it was only right if we baked lots of snacks that are FULL with jam. These items included homemade pastry for our jam tarts and even a Victoria sponge cake that fed 12 people!

This amazing newly released book gave us so many opportunities to use our imagination. So we drew our dream gardens, made our own scarecrow out of recycled items and even made a badger out of a single paper plate.



This week in The Den we have been learning about kindness. We have learnt that being kind isn’t just holding the door open for someone, but it is also being kind to ourselves and the planet around us.

We have been kept busy doing all sorts of activities to understand kindness. Such as writing what we love about ourselves, how to sprinkle kindness and working in pairs to sort pictures into being ‘kind’ or ‘unkind’.

We even made grape and melon ice lollies because they are super healthy!

This week in The Den we have been reading a book called ‘I can eat a rainbow’ by Olena Rose. We started the week off by defining what healthy and unhealthy meant. We then moved on to grouping foods that are healthy and unhealthy.

At every snack time we had a ‘healthy plate’. This plate included grapes, apples, pears, honey melon and lots lots more. The Den children voted that grapes were their favourite.

During the week we were kept super busy doing all sorts of activities. These included drawing and constructing a healthy plate, learning to brush our teeth (we used paint and it got super messy!), fruit and vegetable stamping of a rainbow and even using chalk to draw our favourite fruit.

Can you guess what book we are reading next week ?

This week we having been super busy in The Den. Can you guess what we have baked ?

This week we have been very busy in The Den. We have made worked as a team to make some delicious rice crispy cakes. What have you baked recently?


Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

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Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Fantastic News for our Outdoor Learning Adventures
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Macmillan Bake Sale – Friday 27th September
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Inclusion: A tale of five rooms!
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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Fantastic News for our Outdoor Learning Adventures
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Macmillan Bake Sale – Friday 27th September
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Inclusion: A tale of five rooms!