
Katie Reese
Nursery Teacher

Welcome to Nursery

Design Brief: To Design A Patterned Decoration From Malleable Materials

We followed the whole school sequence of learning for Design Technology in order to design a patterned, malleable decoration.

We used photographs of Christmas Trees and appraised patterned baubles.

We then explored ways to create everyday patterns and then repeating patterns. This supported our vocabulary development.

Then we explore salt dough and clay and ways to create patterns such as pressing, using tools, beads and sequins.

We evaluated our designs and discussed what we liked and how we could improve them.

The decorations took pride of place on our Christmas Tree.

See previous messages & posts

Welcome to our Early Years

Learning without limits is our mantra!

We are so pleased to welcome you to our Early Years team!

We have a team of experienced and dedicated educators to support your children in their first experiences at our school.


Please see the attached timetables. We believe in strong routines to support children’s self-regulation skills. However, it is also a life skill to adapt to changes and your child’s teacher will inform you of any changes.


Our thoughtful curriculum is sequenced in order to address what children know and build on this. We have three focus projects that meet our children’s needs and teach them the characteristics of being a good learner, while also giving them knowledge to support their transition into Year 1.

Please see our Curriculum Overview for more information.


Seesaw is our online learning platform and is where we will put any information that we need to share. Please sign up to view your child’s journal as you will get a great insight into what they are up to at school. We regularly upload videos of teachers sharing our key texts and the phonics focus for the week. You are encouraged to share your child’s home reading too. We also regularly send home challenges in order to understand your child’s life and inspire our learning in school.

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

No homework to show at the moment.

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Safer Internet Day 2025
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Numbers Day in Nursery!
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We’re Going On A Bear Hunt . . .
See more Showcase Items

Class Showcase
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Safer Internet Day 2025
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Numbers Day in Nursery!
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We’re Going On A Bear Hunt . . .