A beautiful, blustery morning up in the Hazels. The sun was bright, but there was a hint of autumnal chill. We all started with learning how to erect a ridgeline shelter. The children then worked in groups to tie the ridgeline, put a tarp over the line and secure it with prusik knots (a type of friction hitch), then peg out the corners to complete the shelter. Fantastic teamwork and lots of proud faces.
On the campfire, we got cracking with baked apples. After coring them, we stuffed them with a mixture of oats, brown sugar, raisins and butter. Once wrapped in foil, they were popped onto the fire to bake and go all squishy. Delicious!
The children had lots of opportunities to revisit some favourite autumnal activities. The rollercoasters were very popular and, using the new pieces of guttering added to the collection, created a huge run- it was spectacular!
We talked about mushroom safety, as one of the signs of autumn is seeing many more of them. Everyone was reminded not to touch or taste wild mushrooms or toadstools. We practiced this by admiring, but leaving them alone, some Brown Birch Boletes growing around the birch tree (these are very easily recognised, safe mushrooms but a good one for reinforcing our rules).
A great morning everyone, well done!
Mr Ratcliffe

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