Fun SATs Week Year 6

Good morning all,

We hope you are well and had a wonderful bank holiday weekend, whilst staying safe at home!

On the week of what would have been the start of SATs for all you fabulous Year 6’s, we thought it might be fun for you to still sit the tests, albeit a funny version of them! So, have fun and let us know how you get on!

The order for you to complete the fun in:

Monday – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Silly-SATs—Spelling-Script NW

Silly-SATs—Spelling-Script CK

Silly-SATs—spelling NW

Silly-SATs—spelling CK

Tuesday – Reading


Wednesday – Mathematics Reasoning


Thursday – Arithmetic


Yay – your done!

On Friday, we should have been going to the theatre but as you all know this is no longer able to happen, so we would like you to have a film day – you can watch any film that you like but just let us know what you pick.

Remember, we haven’t forgotten how hard you worked and SATs were never a true measure of this and your journey through school anyway – each of you is unique and special. We know you are talented in a multitude of ways. You have amazed  us with how resilient you have been over the last few weeks. Thank you!

From all your very proud teachers,

Miss Walters, Miss Killick,

Miss Brown, Mrs Hall,

Mrs Meadows and Mrs Sermon


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