If you remember one thing this week – it is to be kind to yourself. Monday’s Challenges!

This is an extremely challenging time and if you or your child are feeling a little overwhelmed then this is completely normal.

We are in very strange circumstances and through our chats with you on the phone and through emails we know that you are all doing an amazing job!

If you would like some inspiration or ideas here are Monday’s challenges . . .


Weekly Spellings

  • for
  • not
  • will
  • day
  • looked
  • some
  • like
  • be
  • went
  • have

English –

Recap on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk by acting it out using props in your house.

We would love to see you dressed up as Jack or the giant! How are you going to make yourself look huge?

What could you use as the magic beans? Which part of your house will be the castle? Could you build one with chairs and sheets?

31 days of Halloween costumes: Jack and the Beanstalk100 Easy Ideas for Book Week Costumes in 2020 | Diy superhero ...Kids at home until May? The Boston Public Library thinks you ...

Can you draw a story map or story mountain showing all the parts of the story? Draw and label your work.

Jack and the beanstalk- see story on another pin :) (With images ...

Maths –

Make number pebbles by collecting them from your garden or on your daily walk. If you can’t get out then use indoor objects like paper, buttons, sweets.

Get your child to write numbers appropriate for them on the pebbles. It may be to 10 or 20 or beyond. If you can’t collect 100 pebbles then just write a section – numbers 59-72 etc.

If you do collect 100 we’d love to see photographs of you! Who can collect the most? Your brother or sister?

Number pebbles for counting and addition maths activities - The ...

Mix up the pebbles and put them back in ascending or descending order! Can you put them in a line from left to right? Can you put them in a line from top to bottom?

Challenge your child – what number comes after 25? What number comes before 76. What number is one more or one less than 55.

Can you use the pebbles to find out what is 17 + 5? Put your finger on 17 and jump 5 spaces along. What is the answer? You could use one of your child’s toys to do the jumping!

Can you find out what 25-4 is by jumping backwards?

Once you have made these pebbles they can be used over and over again. Children learn from practising and playing so please revisit these a lot!

Number pebbles for counting and addition maths activities - The ...

You could also steal a pebble from the line and hide it! Your child has to work out which numbered pebble you have. Can they convince you? You’ve got 11 because it comes after 10 and before 12. You’ve got 32 because I can count on from 30.

Be active

Make your own obstacle course! Use household items to create it!

  • Line of tape to balance on.
  • Sofa cushions to hop between.
  • Table to crawl under.
  • Blanket over 2 chairs to crab walk through.
  • Tupperware containers to hurdle over.
  • Stuffed animals to roll over.
  • Plastic cups to run around.

Indoor Obstacle Course for Kids ⋆ Raising DragonsPost 1-Indoor Obstacle Course - FIT4MOM Naperville, ILHow to make a rainy day obstacle course - YouTube


Think about directions. Columbus would have needed to!

Listen to and learn this song . . .


3: Standards Directions We can combine two directional symbols to ...

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