22nd June 2020 Updated Booking Form
Our numbers for Key Worker Critical Care are increasing so it is essential that you book your children in by returning this form by: Friday 19 June @10am
If we do not receive your form, we will not confirm your booking and a place will not be secured.
We are allowing a maximum of 10 children per classroom to ensure social distancing; this may mean that children from EY will be working alongside older year groups.
If you are a Key Worker, then our school policy is that you will be asked to provide evidence to show that you are a key worker and require childcare so that we can support as many families as possible.
We can offer Key Worker Care from 8.30-3.00pm, Monday to Friday. We are able to offer places based on these hours and days, but we are unable to accommodate children who need part-time hours e.g. 10am-12pm or just certain days. Children need to be booked in for a full week. The school office will not be manned in the afternoon and there will be nobody available to answer the door before 3pm.