Tuesday’s Challenges

ENGLISH – We are loving this version of Jack and the Beanstalk! Watch episodes 11, 12 and 13.


What does Jack steal? Have a discussion about whether it is right or wrong to steal? What are the arguments for and against?

Pretend you are in Jack’s shoes! Think about the reasons Jack is stealing the items from the giant.

Write a letter from Jack to the giant, explaining why you stole the items. Will you apologise for taking the hen and harp?

Scroll cutout PNG & clipart images | PNGFuelKS1 English: Jack and the Beanstalk - Episode 10 - BBC Teach

You could even make a scroll by tea staining some paper!


Play your board game again (if you have one or made one) –use the computer version again.


Then look at the 100 square board and splat given numbers on the 100 square.

Can you splat numbers by skipping one number each time? Eg. 2 4 6 8 10 12….look at the pattern that is made and talk about it with your child.

Be Active: And some more yoga (or mix it up with Jo Wicks)


BARI KORAL - Little Box of Happy - Amazon.com Music


Look carefully at pictures and artwork of the Santa Maria. Here’s one to inspire you . .

The Santa Maria by Andrew Howat | Christophe colomb, Voilier, Bateau

Can you draw a diagram of the ship and label the parts of it?

You made need to research parts of a ship. These videos and websites may help you.


Parts Of A Ship | The Fact Site

What are the functions of the parts?


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