This week the weather forecast is showing lots of sunny weather.
Here are some challenges, if you are able to safely get outside . . .
(Remember to wear you hat and sun cream if you are playing and learning outside.)
Watch . . .
. . . and write the three characteristics of insects.
- Research an insect of your choice.
- Here are some videos of minibeasts; describe the way they look and move. Can you identify it as an insect using your knowledge from the SciShow Kids clip?
- Hunt for minibeasts. Use minibeast keys in order to identify them.
- Play a game of beetle drive.
Draw a beetle of another type of insect. Remember the key parts of the insect that you have learnt, for example the thorax.
Cut the beetle up into different parts so that it’s like a jigsaw.
Get a dice and take it in turns to roll it. If you roll a
1 . . . you can collect the legs.
2 . . . collect a wing.
3 . . . collect the abdomen.
4 . . . collect the thorax
5 . . . collect the antennae
6 . . . collect the head.
You could also hide these parts in your garden if you want to make it trickier!
- Watch and listen to some stories by the author Eric Carle.
Here are some online versions:
- Can you write a recall of the story?
If you are feeling really creative – change the insect . . . The bad tempered worm!
(These stories are fab because they have repetitive language in.)
- Create a collage like Eric Carle
Choose which insect you would like to create so that you know which colours to use.
Paint or use pencils to shade areas of paper. Once dry, tear them up and arrange them to create the insect.
- Create a natural collage of a minibeast.
- Find out about minibeast microhabitats here . . .
and make a minibeast hotel using old plastic bottles packed with sticks, stones and cones.
- Enjoy walks with your family and write a forest school diary about what you have done outdoors this week!
Here’s some ideas to inspire you . ..
Have fun outside this week!