Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Go on a 2D/3D shape hunt around your house/garden. Draw the shapes that you find, write their names and label their properties (corners/sides/vertices/edges/faces). Shape poster

Create a tally chart of the shapes that you’ve found, then use this data to create a pictogram or bar chart. Tally Chart PictogramCan you think of some questions to ask us about your bar chart? i.e. Which shape was the most common?  How many more triangles were there than circles? etc.

Retell your favourite story using shadow puppets. Draw the main characters then cut them out. Use your characters to retell the story. Remember to use a clear voice. If possible please record your story and upload it on Seesaw. shadow puppets

Frog Life Cycle. Research a frogs life cycle and create your own using things from your home/garden. Look at this butterfly lifecycle to help you Life Cycle

Year 2 Common Exception Word Search – take a screen shot of this word search then use the editing tool to highlight the answers. Screen shot your finished word search and send it to us via Seesaw. Can you write a sentence using each of the words that you’ve found. CEW Word search 1

Finally, get your brains in gear to complete our favourite part of the school day…Mental Arithmetic. Mental Arithmetic 3.4.20

We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.

Mrs O’Reilly

Miss Pound

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