Year 4/5 home learning WB 18.05.20

We hope you have all had a great weekend. This week is Mental Health Awareness week so we have got some activities we would like you to focus on for your mental health this week, as well as your usual tasks.

As always, please get in touch with us with any issues and to share your work with us.


Being kind to yourself

MHA reading comp

We also have a computing challenge for you this week. Using Tinker Cad (we gave you all your details through Seesaw last week, if you haven’t had them yet then please email us) we would like you to design a rainbow as a way of thanking the NHS and all key workers. Remember to group your separate shapes and to keep rotating the workplane so that you can ensure your separate shapes fit together properly. We can’t wait to see how you do! We will keep checking to see how your are doing with this challenge.

Thank you

Mr Broderick and Miss Jones

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