Year 5 Home Challenges

Year 5 – Home Learning

Task 1: Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Record a brief summary to describe what it is that you have read.

Task 2: Practise TT Rockstars daily for at least 20 minutes (write your login down so that it is safe).

Task 3: Spend 20 minutes on either Maths or English games from the list of websites below.

Task 4: design 10 questions about the Vikings for our class Kahoot game.

Task 5: Write a short diary entry so that you can update the class about what you have been up to!

Task 6: Complete an A4 profile for someone that you think is fantastic. This person can be fictional or real.

Task 7: Create yourself calculations using the digits 0-9: column addition (4 digit), column subtraction (4 digit), long multiplication (4 digit by 2 digit) and bus stop division (4 digit by 1 digit).

Task 8: Complete a fact file on Roald Dahl. Who was he? What were his main achievements?

Task 9: Draw and label a map of your local area. Use symbols and a key. Can you create questions to go with your map?

Task 10: Plan a route to go on a bike ride/ walk in your local area. Draw and label the route. If possible, follow your route and take pictures along the way.

Practise the statutory spelling words daily – see if somebody in your family can test you on them!

Keeping Active!
Each day, get up and move around every half an hour! This could be a simple walk to stretch your legs or include exercises too: star jumps, knee tucks, press ups, sit ups, tummy crunches, burpees or even the plank! Feel free to add in your own and draw diagrams of what you have been up to!

Bonus Activities!

  • Prepare a meal for your family and serve it.
  • Learn to say hello in different languages. Who can learn the most?
  • Plant a flower or a plant and look after it.
  • Build a den. Remember to take a picture!
  • Make a picnic and take it somewhere with a friend or family member.


Please show us what you have been doing on SeeSaw!

Below are a list of websites that the children are familiar with which will provide some addition support and challenges.

Maths and timestables

English and SPaG

RHS Five Star Gardening Award
Safeguarding Logo
Diversity Matters
Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
Shropshire Cricket Primary School of Year 2023
Skills Builder
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