All children had a fantastic time participating in the Super SAF Obstacle Course today! There was a lot of fun, screams, mud and wet children! It was a great way to get our children active and having fun. I’m not sure who had more fun, the PE coaches or the children 🙂
Thank you to all who donated their sponsor money today, we have had some fantastic amounts! Please remember that the sponsor money needs to be in by Friday 13th March for the bounceathon, where all children, from Nursery to Year 6, will be participating.
Year 6 children are invited to attend the bounceathon between 6pm and 8pm on Thursday 12th March to support the teachers. They need to send their permission forms in and will need to be collected by a parent at 8pm.
Children are asked to come to school on Friday wearing sports kit for a contribution of £1 or your sponsor money.
I have attached the original letter that went out to parents on Friday 6 March 2020.
sponsor form
sport relief