Year 6 Boys Winners! Football Success!

WINNERS! Our Year 6 boys football team were excellent role models in the Marches football tournament over in Shrewsbury on Monday. The tournament was made up of 6 teams and our team were absolutely fantastic! The boys started off strong, winning their first match 11-0. The 2nd match was a more difficult test and our defence  did a super job to stop us conceding any goals. With the majority of our efforts on target, we were sad to only be drawing 0-0 after some fantastic saves from their keeper. This still put us top of our group on goal difference!

In the first of the knock out rounds, we won 2-0. Our defenders again did a brilliant job defending our goal to continue our aim of not conceding for the tournament. Our final match saw us against a team who had already knocked another group out on penalties. Our boys had plenty of efforts on target and were unlucky not to find the net. After a tense few minutes, the final score, 0-0. Leading to the dreaded penalties… 3 of our bravest boys stepped up to the spot. Our keeper made an outstanding save to keep us in it, and 2 of our boys slotted their penalty in to the bottom left corner to seal the deal for us! A trophy brought home and a medal for all the boys! A fantastic day out and a well-deserved win!

Year 6 Boys Football Success

Our Year 6 boys took part in a friendly football match at home against Grange Park this week. This was the boys first match of the year and they were absolutely amazing! Miss Brown and Mr Saxton were filled with pride watching the boys play with determination and a fantastic attitude. The boys were great role models of our school values showing bravery, pride, respect and safety throughout the match. They also demonstrated excellent sportsmanship! The boys got the reward and success they deserved, and beat a competitive Grange Park side 4-1 in their first match. A fantastic display of football and team effort!

Y6 English – Horror- Murder Most Unlady like

Year 6 began their new writing unit this week- HORROR. The children have been reading Robin Stevens, ‘Murder Most Unlady Like,’ and put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist and narrator, Hazel Wong. Our children took a walk through Deepdean Boarding School for Girls in the 1930’s, and discovered the scene of a dead teacher, Miss Bell on the sports hall floor. The children were then set to the task of describing the crime scene. Super detective work! Now to narrow down the suspects in this murder mystery…

Gymnastics success!

We are extremely proud of our Year 6 student Lola Walker, who was the overall, all-round champion for Shropshire county in her most recent gymnastics competition. Lola shows great dedication, attending training 4 days a week. In the competition, Lola demonstrated our school values of bravery and success. Lola won the majority of her disciplines including: Range, Bars and Beam. She also placed on Floor and Vault. Well done Lola!

Year 6- World War I Non-Chronological Reports


Our Year 6’s who stayed at school during France week completed some fantastic non-chronological reports on our overarching topic for spring, World War I. The children worked extremely hard across the week to research interesting facts about World War I before including them in their writing. Well done Year 6! They are amazing and we are really proud of you!

Year 6 Dodgeball

Our Year 6 children went last week to a dodgeball competition. The Year 6’s showed super aim, power and accuracy when throwing the dodgeballs after some target practice and moved successfully through the rounds. We were extremely proud of their determination, behaviour and resilience. You showed fantastic sportsmanship! Well done all!


Cricket Success

Our Year 5 and 6 children went to their first cricket competition of the year. We are so proud of them! Not only were they fantastic role models of our school values, but they also came back with a silver medal! We are so pleased with how they represented our school and the cricket coaching they have received! Well done all!

Primary School of The Year

We are overjoyed to announce we were the winners of the ‘Primary School of the Year’ award. Awarded by Shropshire Cricket.

Ryan Lockley (Chance to shine cricket coach and member of Shropshire Cricket) said:

“We have delivered two Chance to Shine Whole School Programmes through Youth Strategy initiative, across the entire Sir Alex Fleming Primary School from Reception (age 4/5) through to Year 6 (age 11) with around 28 children in each lesson with all year groups having two classes.

The staff at the school have embraced their cricket sessions, they attended our Telford & Wrekin Teacher CPD event, they entered teams into our Indoor and Outdoor competitions, it was rewarding to see the teachers engaging and leading their respective teams in the inter school environment.

It feels like a real partnership has been built with this school, this community and now the club who are seeing children move into the club environment having had the support of the school, with the community hub giving them the confidence to make that transition. They are a small number at the moment but it is beginning to evolve.

It is key to our success that we have an engaging workforce at the school for us to succeed and with Sir Alex Fleming we certainly feel that. We look forward to continuing to work with this school, teachers, pupils, and community.”

Eloise Williams speaks all things books with Year 6

Our Year 6 children were extremely privileged to speak with Eloise Williams,  author of their English model text ‘Gaslight’, set in Victorian Britain. The children were enthralled by the book and enjoyed writing letters pretending to be the protagonist ‘Nansi’. Some of the children were even able to share their letters with Eloise. They prepared for the session with some fantastic questions and thoroughly enjoyed speaking to Eloise.

What did Eloise say about us and our work?

“Thank you so much for sending these over to me. What an amazing thing for an author to read about her character from a reader’s perspective. All the letters are brilliant! I have so enjoyed them all. Thank you so much to all the children for their wonderful words. ”


Victorian inspired Hot Writes Year 6

After a fantastic 4-week unit studying Narrative Fiction, our children have wrote their own amazing stories based in Victorian Britain!

Check out this piece of writing….

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