The Ancient Egyptian Museum Visit


This week, Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic Ancient Egyptian museum visit with Shropshire museums! The children spent the morning looking at a range of artefacts to find out about life in Ancient Egypt. In groups, they made inferences from the sources and used them to gather evidence. The children later enjoyed re-enacting the process of mummification as well as dressing up as Egyptians in the hierarchy of society. Finally, they made their own Egyptian amulets as a keepsake for the day.

The children showed fantastic knowledge on their over arching topic and excellent analysis skills of historical artefacts. Well done Year 3!  



Year 3- EKO at Weston Park

We are so proud of our Year 3 children who were lucky enough to attend ‘EKO’ @ Weston park today. Our children were complimented for their beautiful manners, creative ideas and super listening skills- their behaviour was exemplary! In the morning, the children enjoyed a range of creative activities from building mini art galleries to observational sketches. We also explored the mazes and looked around the art gallery. The children loved discussing their favourite paintings, the colours and how they made them feel. After some lunch, we were able to enjoy a forest walk and ‘forest school experience’: den building, smore making and mud kitchens were just some of the wonderful activities involved. We are very grateful for a fantastic afternoon arranged by EKO@Weston Park.

Create and Make

EKO @ Weston Park – Educating Kids Outdoors (

We are programming experts!

Throughout the spring term, our Year 3 children have been learning all about programming. With the help of Mr Gerrie from Amazing ICT, the children started applying their knowledge on scratch, and learnt to sequence their commands. From bettering their keyboard skills, planning out their algorithms and implementing their programming, the children have made excellent progress against the national centre for computing curriculum objectives. Find below a some evidence of them successfully programming sprites to make sounds, complete motions, change backgrounds and change costumes. We are very proud of their programming progress!

Interviewing a Jewish Follower

Today Year 3 were lucky enough to set up a teams meeting with Ann Angel, a qualified teacher of Religious Education, Jewish Studies and Hebrew.

Ann is an active member of Menorah synagogue, a Reform Jewish community in Manchester, and she kindly offered to let our children ask her some questions.

The children have been studying ‘leaders and followers’ in Christianity and Judaism for the last 2 terms, and spent previous lessons preparing their questions ready for Ann. The children posed some fantastic and respectful questions throughout the interview. From the experience, both classes learnt so much about Judaism, and what being a Jewish follower involves!

Home | Ann Angel Education

We Are Litter Pickers!

Outdoor Learning:
Today we took part in ‘The Great British Spring Clean‘ along with Sam and Alison from Madeley council. 28 pupils from Miss Brown’s class in Year 3 put their gloves on, picked up their litter pickers and went walking around the school perimeter to do their part and clean up any litter. The children filled 6 buckets of rubbish in just 1 hour and absolutely loved seeing the difference they could make. Well done to all involved- we are so proud of you!

Year 3 Stone Age Day

On Thursday, widget workshops attended our Year 3 classes for a second year in a row to put on a STONE AGE DAY. The children took part in a range of exciting and educational activities, from VR headsets looking around Skara Brae and Stonehenge, to learning how palaeolithic hunter-gatherers built shelter, cooked food, and made clothes. The children had an amazing day and showed how much they had learnt over the autumn term.

Year 3 ‘Experience Harvest’

On Tuesday, Miss Brown’s Year 3 class attended Sutton Hill church for an ‘experience Harvest’ workshop. The children were lucky enough to attend 5 different stations, with 5 different practical activities, all ran by local volunteers. The children had a fantastic morning and came back full of knowledge on the Harvest Festival. Well done year 3!  

Spellings Summer 2

Summer 2

Please practice this weeks spellings with your child at home. Spellings help to improve English writing across all subjects and areas and are a key part of improving our writing through school.  The spelling test scores have improved greatly since we have been practicing them at home! They will be tested on Friday- Thank you! 🙂

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