Visiting our local shop.

Today we have been busy learning about the role of a shopkeeper.

We began by writing a shopping list, then took our purse and bag to the shop to buy the groceries. After reading our lists and collecting the items in our basket, we went and paid at the till. The shopkeeper gave us our change and a receipt.

We are very proud of all the children as they were extremely respectful and polite to the other customers and the shopkeeper.

Our treat this afternoon is to make and eat something yummy with our groceries (by reading the instructions).




PCSO visit

10.2.22. What a treat! Dave and Amy came in to tell us about their job as PCSO’s. We were allowed to sit in the police car and try on their special clothing. The siren was SO loud!

Author Visit

On Monday, we kicked off Children’s Mental Health Week with a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths. Sarah’s stories developed the children’s awareness of emotions and the strategy of reframing them, as well as developing their reading for pleasure and encouraging them to write in imaginative ways.

Mrs Casswell’s class visit to Madeley Library

We had a wonderful visit to Madeley Library on Friday – the children were a credit to our school and thoroughly enjoying exploring new literature.

Mrs Casswell’s Home Reading Stars

Well done to all my reading stars this term – they have been treated to a special hot chocolate or an amazing ice cream 🍦

Please keep sending in a quick message, photo or video on Seesaw to show when your child reads at home. 😊

Our visit to Sutton Hill Church

Today we saw Reverend Dawn perform a baptism as part of our project on babies. We listened respectfully to what Christians, like Reverend Dawn, believe. The children asked some thought provoking questions like “How old might God be?” And “What is the church made of?” Reverend Dawn told us the church is made of a community of people in Sutton Hill.

Home Reading

You will have received a letter this week explaining how to record and upload your child’s reading at home on Seesaw.

If you are having any difficulties with this please let your child’s class teacher know.

We are always here to help.


Nursery – existing children

Just a reminder that children who already attend our nursery are starting back on Tuesday 7th September. Nursery is closed for these children on Monday 6th September.

On Monday 6th September new children are coming for 1 hour stay and play sessions.

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Gold Award PE
Mental Health Award
ARC Silver Award
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