World Book Day Thursday 4th March ‘Book of Hopes’

This year World Book Day will look a little different . . . there will be no dressing up but we will still celebrate our love for books at school.

If your child is learning from home please take a look at their Seesaw account on Thursday.

If your child is at school they will engage in activities set up by their teacher.

Reading at home – free eBook library

Reading at home is the most important thing you can do for your child’s learning. Please listen to your child read daily.

You can access free online reading books (like the ones we use in school) from this website.
This way your child can access books that are matched to their phonic ability.

All you need to do is register your details. Miss Reese has registered hers and got access to lots and lots of free books!

Once registered, you go to the eBook library and can browse the books.
You can select the coloured book band that your child is on. If you are unsure of which book band your child is on, please message their teacher.

Happy reading!

No Pens Day!

In year 1 we have focussed on using our fine motor skills in other ways today.

We explored design and technology and used skills such as joining, making mechanisms and using cookery tools.

We were inspired by David Attenborough’s tweet of the day about robins and we used our listening skills to gain knowledge about this animal type. We researched birds on the RSPB website by reading facts and discussed and described their habitat, diet and features. We found out that robins are omnivores!

We used this knowledge to create a rocking robin, a robin on a lever and cheese straw worms!

And guess what our theme was for our Christmas tree decorations . . . . fingerprint robins!


Pudsey fun!

We enjoyed lots of Pudsey activities in forest school today.

We made spotty hot chocolate!

We worked as ‘team ant’ to help our blindfolded friend get from Pudsey to Blush! We had to trust one another and show kindness to our partners.

We made clay Pudsey faces on trees using natural collage materials.

Thank you to all of our parents for donating to Children In Need.

The Big Pumpkin

In English we are learning about stories which have repeated language in them.

Here is a link to the story we are studying.

Some ideas we are exploring in class are . . .

  • Retell the story orally and write it.
  • Create character puppets and retell the story.
  • Draw the characters from the story and label them, including their features and personality traits.
  • Change the pumpkin to a different vegetable.
  • Plan a new story! Set it somewhere different; under the sea, in the forest, in dinosaur land. Once upon a time there was a whale and he planted some seaweed . . .

Watch this version.

There is no narration! Can your child narrate the story?

Can you child create a dance to the story and use the music to help them?


In art we have been describing, sketching and making clay pumpkins!

20+ Pumpkin ideas | pumpkin drawing, pumpkin, pumpkin sketch

Home learning packs

If your child is self-isolating there is online learning on the information page that you can access.

If you are unable to access this then you can contact school and come and pick up a paper-based home learning pack.

A scarily good time reading at forest school!

Today in year 1 we were inspired by the story of Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson.

The witch had dropped her things all over the forest! We hunted for them and wrote where they were! We hope she reads our writing back and comes to collect them!

Children also enjoyed reading a recipe and making pumpkin pizza!

They designed and made brooms! We had witches flying everywhere!

Reading at home

This year you will record your child’s reading at home on Seesaw.

Seesaw Expectations British School of Beijing, Shunyi

Seesaw is the app we use in school to help you to communicate with your child’s class teacher. Your child’s class teacher has set up your child’s account already.

Children can make the most progress if they read at home regularly.

To record your child’s reading either:

  • Upload a photograph of them reading their school book.
  • Or photograph the pages they have read.
  • Upload a video of them reading.
  • You can make a comment if you would like.

Coming soon . . . . find out how you can help your child win a fantastic reward for reading at home!

Children Entering Year 1 In September 2020 – Holiday Challenge

We can’t wait to meet you and have you in our Year 1 class!

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be.” (Anonymous)

Over the summer we would like you to make a Memory Box of all the things you have done, thought or felt throughout Covid 19.

Decorate a cardboard box. You can put pictures, objects, drawing or writing inside your box. The more creative the better!

For example, you might draw a picture of the time you camped in your back garden or a recipe to remind you of all the baking you did! If you’ve celebrated a birthday you could put a birthday card inside. You could write about a time you felt very sad or a time when you helped someone and felt proud. Your memory box will be unique because it will represent your time over the past few months.

We are going to share and display these in class in order to reflect on and talk about the impact this strange and tricky time has had on us.

Click the link below to see some examples.

 Holiday Challenge For New Year 1 Children

Stay safe over the summer and we look forward to seeing you in September.

Miss Reese and Miss Hullin


Year 1 Our Final Week Of Challenges

This year has been a very different and strange one! But it has taught us many things too . . . one being, how much we have loved being your teachers! And that we truly love our school!

This is the last week of home learning challenges we will set before the summer holidays. Thank you so much to all the parents who have engaged with us and with these tasks as we know it has been a very challenging time. But we hope you’ve had a much fun as possible!

We have planned some reflective tasks so that you can think about the year that has passed and look forward to the next. Let’s make next year better than ever!


Tasks 1 Happy Memories

Think about what you have done in year 1.

Can you think about specific times? Christmas/ Halloween disco/ Learning about the story Cinnamon etc/ Project time.

Think about who you made those memories with; your friends and teachers!

Write about your favourite memories.

You may like to present it in a creative way like the one below. Draw a sketch of your head. To display your written memories next to. You could embellish it with pictures and colours of the things you have described as happy memories.


Memory maths –

Having a good memory is so important in order to gain knowledge! This week we will focus on fun memory games to support your child’s maths development.

Play a game of pairs using numbers appropriate for your child.

GAME] Memory Card game, 100% Blueprints - Unreal Engine Forums

You could use 20 cards – on half the cards write numbers, on the other half draw pictures that match.


Tasks 2

Make and use emotions pebbles to discuss when they have felt this way in year 1.

Emotion Stones,emotion stones,emotions,emotion stones,emotions ...

Make statements using the pebbles:

I was scared and nervous when we did our Christmas Production. But I felt proud when my mummy watched me sing.

I was happy when I built the titanic from blocks.

Make your own emotions pebbles using felt tips!


Design a Year 1 Memory box.

Mosaic Memory Box -- Travel with kids part II Babyccino Kids ...

Decorate it using craft items.

Are there any messages you’d like to put in there? Messages of hope?

Put in pictures.

Draw pictures.

Can you think of any artefacts you might put in?


Memory maths –

Play a game of snap using number cards.

In pairs begin by placing a card in the centre of the table and taking turns to put another on top!

When two numbers/ pictures are the same the person has to shout out, “SNAP!” and they take all the cards!

Playing card game of snap. Hand rushing down onto cards playing snap.


Tasks 3 Introducing . . . yourself to your new teacher.

Write a fact file about yourself for your new teacher.

What do you want them to know about you?


Memory maths –

Play a game of number bingo!

Make your own bingo cards by choosing numbers.

Bingo Numbers 1-20 – Smart Kids

Put numbers into a hat and call them out. If they are on your bingo card cross it out.

Your child could also be the bingo caller as this involves them recognising and reading numbers.


Tasks 4 Hopes and wishes

Listen to this song . . .

Make stars to wish upon!

Write your wish on a star for next year: I wish that I get to play with my friends next year. I wish that school stays open all the time next year etc.

Easy Star Craft for Young KidsShooting Star Wishes Kids Craft | Make and Takes


We have loved having you in our class this year! Thank you for all being super stars!

Please keep reading and talking throughout the summer holidays! Stay safe and take care.

We look forward to seeing you again when you will be in year 2.

Lots of love and best wishes from Miss Reese and Miss Hullin.


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