Check out the menu for the first week back!

We are delighted that we are now the proud owners of our school kitchen and have control over the menus and the food we provide for our children. We have frozen the price at £2.35 so there will be no increase to the cost of school lunches.

If you would like a printed copy of the menu then please pop into the school office to collect one. It is also displayed in the foyer.

Please click the link below to see the menu for: Monday 19th April 2021

Menu Monday 19th April

Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s Society

As a school, we will be walking in aid of ‘Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s Society’ on Friday 19th March.

We ask that each child donates £1 or more and participates in the Memory Walk at designated time slots throughout the day.

It really is a very worthy charity and one that affects all of us in different ways.

We haven’t managed to do many things together as a school community this year so it will be lovely to see and speak to all children outside, socially distanced, throughout the day.

Parents and carers at home can join in too by going for a walk around Sutton Hill and posting pictures on Seesaw.

Please ensure your children stay inside after school

Our first week back to school is well underway and our children are showing great resilience at adapting to new routines. Some children have mentioned meeting up outside of school and we understand that it is confusing for them when they are together all day. At this current time, although we are back at school, we are still not out of lockdown and we want to remind you to keep following Government guidance, to keep everyone safe. This means, you must stay at home. The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

Hopefully some ‘normality’ is not that far away!