Prime Minister’s Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’m sure after listening to the Prime Minister’s statement this evening, there are lots of questions that you would like answered.

At the moment, for us in school, there is no change to the guidance. We will continue to provide care for those parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response and only those who are classed as vulnerable. The message remains that it is still safer to stay at home.

We have not received any information to support us with this new plan to start the phased reopening of some year groups. We expect to receive information from the DfE shorty, hopefully with some clarification.

We will need clear guidance to plan how it is possible to social distance in schools and keep our children, staff and families safe; how we might start to phase groups of children returning and what this will look like. Please be assured that there is no way we will reopen until we are completely prepared.

This new phase is due to take place from Monday 1st June, if the rate of infection continues to decrease. We need to be mindful that this may not happen and the new phase will be put on hold.

As always, we will keep you informed but for now, please try not to worry. Our plan for now is to continue to provide activities for learning at home on the website, to keep contact with you and to continue to support each other in these difficult and uncertain times.

Stay safe,

Mrs Tomlinson



Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) parent feedback survey

Thank you so much for your participation. We’d like to learn more about you and your child’s SEND experiences at Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School. Your contributions will help us develop our action plans as we continue to build and strengthen our SEND provision.

Please click on the link below, the survey shouldn’t take very long.

Thank you.