Booking Form – Week 7

Key-Worker-Booking-Form Week 7

Key Worker Families – if you are a key worker family that is booking a place for your child in school, please be reminded that you can only have days when the ‘key worker’ is at work. It may be that you will be requested to show your work schedule / rota for the week ahead prior to booking your place and a letter from your employer to state that you are a key worker.

Whilst we are happy to support all families, if children can be safely looked after at home then that is where they should be.

Please note: School is closed on Friday 8th May 2020.

Booking forms need to be with Mrs Pilgrim on by 10am on Friday 1st May.


Thank you

Nursery Challenge – Monday 27th April

Hello everyone,

Hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for some more challenges this week!

As always, I look forward to seeing your completed challenges and all of the lovely things you have been up to on Seesaw.

Miss Dornan