Our Wonderful Autumn Walk

The children have thoroughly enjoyed our Autumn walk around Sutton Hill today. We found lots of red/yellow/orange/brown leaves and many conkers!

Visit from the Dental Nurse

We have had a wonderful visit from Zoe the dental nurse, and her friend ‘Derek’. She reminded us that we need our teeth to smile, chew and talk, and that we need to look after our teeth. The children had some super ideas and know they need to brush twice a day, for two minutes. We were also told to ‘spit it out’ and NOT rinse our teeth with water. Can the children remember which foods are good for our teeth?

Coding Week in Reception

Coding week in the Early Years!

This week Reception children have been exploring ‘Cubetto’. They have given Cubetto instructions and enjoyed seeing what will happen.

“Which is the forward one?” “I think you need the green one to go forward.”

We will continue this work to develop our computational thinking and vocabulary.

Our Spring themed Art Day

We all had a wonderful ‘arty’ day on Tuesday. The children were able to practise lots of skills, such as printing, watercolour painting, 3D clay or mod roc models, collage, oil pastel drawings and sketching.

Here are some of the super examples from Reception, Year 1 and Year 5:

Y5 sketchbook mood boards

Y5 collage

Y5 collage eggs

Y1 clay

Y1 printing and oil pastel drawings


Visiting our local shop.

Today we have been busy learning about the role of a shopkeeper.

We began by writing a shopping list, then took our purse and bag to the shop to buy the groceries. After reading our lists and collecting the items in our basket, we went and paid at the till. The shopkeeper gave us our change and a receipt.

We are very proud of all the children as they were extremely respectful and polite to the other customers and the shopkeeper.

Our treat this afternoon is to make and eat something yummy with our groceries (by reading the instructions).




Parent Survey – Have your say!

Hello everyone,

As a school, we are always looking at how we can improve and offer the best education and experiences for our children as well as the support we offer parents . We would appreciate it very much if you would take the time to complete the Parent Survey through the link here.

We are looking for honest opinions and for you as parents to tell us what you like, what you think it is amazing and what needs a bit of work.

Any parent that completes the form will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 Aldi voucher, you just need to inform the Admin team that you have completed it.

The link for the survey is here, you just need to click on it:


Kind regards,

Mrs Tomlinson

PCSO visit

10.2.22. What a treat! Dave and Amy came in to tell us about their job as PCSO’s. We were allowed to sit in the police car and try on their special clothing. The siren was SO loud!

Mrs Casswell’s class visit to Madeley Library

We had a wonderful visit to Madeley Library on Friday – the children were a credit to our school and thoroughly enjoying exploring new literature.