
We are Storytellers . . . .

Stories form a huge part of our curriculum. A story can be told anywhere within our provision and we ensure a range of beautiful resources are on offer to our children. We also enhance provision to link to stories being studied or inspire children within their play. Children participate in a daily story session this involves books, puppets and role-play.

We value stories and reading to our children so much that every child is read to at least twice during a session and most lots more!

Enrol your 3, 4, and 5 year old at our inspirational setting!

Come and visit us and see the wonderful provision we offer.

Contact A2134@telford.gov.uk if you have any questions.

Encouraging girls into computer science

We have worked hard this term on the ‘I Belong’ programme towards encouraging more girls into computer science. We have run a Code Club just for girls, ensured we have equal representation amongst our Digital Leaders and have showcased some inspirational women in Computing through posters around school. We will continue this drive throughout the year but are encouraged by the progress we have made so far!

For more information, please see here.

Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down!

During Forest School sessions for the last half term the children in nursery have been noticing and exploring the season of Autumn.

They have been reading fiction and non-fiction books, reciting poetry and songs to support their conceptual, scientific understanding and of course having hand-on experiences as you can see here!

All of these elements have enabled children to acquire new vocabulary;

“Leaves have blown off in the wind.”

“Some trees have orange leaves now.”

“In autumn there are some acorns on the ground.”

What do people celebrate and why? Learning about Diwali in the EYFS

Today we had special visitors to help us learn about Diwali Festival of Lights.

Our visitors Jan and Vicky follow the Sikh religion and talked to us about how they celebrate. We have also been watching videos about a family who follow Hinduism. We looked at diva lamps and the embroidered Indian suit that Jan wears to celebrate when she visits the temple. Jan brought in food that she had made and would eat to mark the festival and we were able to taste it.

We sang a song about candles and used stem sentences to support our conceptual knowledge of this celebration. We have also read a range of story and information books in order to develop our understanding.

“Some Hindus and some Sikhs decorate their homes with lights.”

“Some Hindus and some Sikhs give presents such as sweets.”

“Some Hindus and some Sikhs clean their homes to celebrate Diwali.”

Tech for Space Webinar

Some of our children from across Year 5 and 6 took part in a Tech for Space webinar last week, to celebrate our Science topics and National Space Week which was a couple of weeks ago. There was lots of really interesting information about how technology supports space missions, and some of the other inventions we have made due to space research.

Lunchtime Art Club

Some of our Year 5 children have worked with Mr Farlow this half term, to develop their drawing skills using oil pastels. They have developed their knowledge about colour choice, perspective and blending, and it has linked to their learning about Vikings. They have shown great resilience and pride in their work.

Code Club: Let’s get Creative!

Today in Code Club we were let loose on the micro:bits to apply some of the skills we have learnt. Some of the girls tried to programme their names to flash up, and some were experimenting with the music functions. It was great to see the creativity in motion!