Autumn 1 Spellings

Please practice this weeks spellings with your child at home. Spellings help to improve English writing across all subjects and are a key part of improving our writing through school. They will be tested on Friday. Thank you 🙂


Parent List

My Job as an Engineer Webinar

KS2 joined in with a live lesson on Wednesday this week, exploring what it was like to be an engineer. Exposing children to ambitious careers is crucial, and we hope all our children grow up to be ambitious and aspirational. Highlighting careers in STEM subjects is a focus for all schools and we hope our children learnt some of the highlights of being an engineer during the webinar


Spellings Summer 2

Please practice this weeks spellings with your child at home. Spellings help to improve English writing across all subjects and are a key part of improving our writing through school. They will be tested on Friday. Thank you.

Parent List