
A Visit From Nurse Sophie

Children have access to a wide range of role-play resources in the EYFS. They can use these in order to develop their vocabulary, imagination and story-telling skills. Our Home Corner is a constant feature in our setting in order for all children have access to nurturing, homely resources that reflect their lives and culture and those of others.

Practitioners enhance the role-play provision to link to the overarching theme during each term.

The Doctors Surgery has just opened in order for children to develop, use and apply their knowledge of the human body, as we focus in on ‘Our Unique Selves’ this term.

Practitioners plan cultural capital experiences, carefully at key points, so that children can access and use resources purposefully. Today Sophie the nurse visited. The children learnt about her uniform, equipment and role. They learnt new vocabulary such as patients, stethoscope and prescription and the meaning of these words by exploring resources and singing repeated songs.

Making micro:bit timers in Code Club

Our girls in Code Club were very successful today at creating a stopwatch. When they pressed the A button, the timer started. The B button stopped it and the A+B together reset it to 0. We had to use concepts such as variables to complete the task and we are looking forward to more coding next week!

Code Club

We run Code Clubs throughout the year for different year groups. This term, we have a group of girls from UKS2 taking part in various micro:bit projects. Yesterday, we made an interactive badge that would show a smiley or sad face depending on which button was pressed. Everyone worked really hard to be successful!

Välkommen till Sverige! (Welcome to Sweden!)

For European Language Day today, Year 5 were transported off to Sweden. We learnt how to count to 10, learnt some simple colours, video called Mr Andrew’s Swedish friend Alex who taught us some simple greetings and then researched some facts about Sweden. We had a great time exploring the language!

Reading Club Starts!

Every Friday lunchtime the Reading Ambassadors run a Reading Club in which children can spend time in the whole school library and listen to a story or book of their choice.

There were lots of gorgeous discussions on our first Reading Club of the year. Some children wanted to read books that had been shared with them in reading assembly; The Kindest Red. One child asked for books that had a style like a comic and was pointed in the direction of Dog Man. Reading Club gets us talking about books and authors. You can see how inspired the children are about reading at SAF.

Jolly Phonics Assembly: Working with our Parents to give our Children the Best Start!

Today our parents were invited to an important assembly all about Jolly Phonics.

The children in Reception and Year 1 helped their parents to understand how Jolly Phonics is taught by saying the letter sounds and doing the actions. They sang the Jolly Phonics alphabet and grapheme phoneme correspondence songs.

Parents were then told about our scheme and strategies so that they can support their children to read at home. They can also look forward to watching weekly phonics videos made by our teachers, showing which GPCs the children have learnt.

I Belong: encouraging girls into computer science

Computer science is the fastest-growing STEM subject, and yet, despite its popularity, girls are consistently outnumbered by boys. The gender gap in computing can be traced back to gender stereotypes developed in the primary years. To improve the diversity both in and beyond the classroom, we need to show girls from a young age that they belong in computer science.

Because of this, we have enrolled into the NCCE programme to encourage girls into computing. We will be doing several things this year to support our girls, including running a Code Club specifically for girls in the Autumn term, and showcasing inspirational women in computer science.

Watch this space for more updates throughout the year!

Alex Bear loves to read!

Each week in nursery Alex Bear goes home with a child. He loves to read and wants to share lots of stories over the weekend with our children and their families. This promotes a love of reading for our youngest children.

Parents then upload what their child and Alex read on the Seesaw App so that we can see it in class. The children love seeing which books he’s read and this motivates them to read even more!

Alex loved reading Dear Zoo and The Jungle Boogie with Zulikha.