Tech for Space Webinar

Some of our children from across Year 5 and 6 took part in a Tech for Space webinar last week, to celebrate our Science topics and National Space Week which was a couple of weeks ago. There was lots of really interesting information about how technology supports space missions, and some of the other inventions we have made due to space research.

Lunchtime Art Club

Some of our Year 5 children have worked with Mr Farlow this half term, to develop their drawing skills using oil pastels. They have developed their knowledge about colour choice, perspective and blending, and it has linked to their learning about Vikings. They have shown great resilience and pride in their work.

Code Club: Let’s get Creative!

Today in Code Club we were let loose on the micro:bits to apply some of the skills we have learnt. Some of the girls tried to programme their names to flash up, and some were experimenting with the music functions. It was great to see the creativity in motion!

Making micro:bit timers in Code Club

Our girls in Code Club were very successful today at creating a stopwatch. When they pressed the A button, the timer started. The B button stopped it and the A+B together reset it to 0. We had to use concepts such as variables to complete the task and we are looking forward to more coding next week!

Code Club

We run Code Clubs throughout the year for different year groups. This term, we have a group of girls from UKS2 taking part in various micro:bit projects. Yesterday, we made an interactive badge that would show a smiley or sad face depending on which button was pressed. Everyone worked really hard to be successful!