Technology in Sport for Sports Week

As it’s our Sports Week this week, some of our KS2 classes are taking part in a webinar all about technology that is used in sport. From VAR to GPS vests, technology is EVERYWHERE! The children also found out about how technology can help make sport more inclusive, including in wheelchairs and blades for runners. It was a really interesting session and the children got a lot out of it.

Rothesay Classic Birmingham Tennis Tournament Trip

We bought some tickets for the Rothesay Classic Birmingham Tennis Tournament, to take some of our Year 4/5 children to experience a large professional sporting event. Many of the world’s top players were in the draw, including Caroline Wozniaki and Heather Watson. The children were able to watch the matches on the 2,500 seater main stadium court, join in with some sporting activities and watch some of the players practise on the surrounding courts. We had many comments about how well the children were behaving and we hope they enjoyed their experience! They were even able to take away a ball that had been used on the courts by the players!

My Job as an Engineer Webinar

KS2 joined in with a live lesson on Wednesday this week, exploring what it was like to be an engineer. Exposing children to ambitious careers is crucial, and we hope all our children grow up to be ambitious and aspirational. Highlighting careers in STEM subjects is a focus for all schools and we hope our children learnt some of the highlights of being an engineer during the webinar


Google Drawing Creations!

Year 5 are loving their Computing unit on Vector Graphics this term. We have been using Google Drawings to create pictures using smaller shapes. We have used tools such as copy, paste, resize, fill, line weight, alignment and zoom to make them as good as they can be! Check some of them out below:

Walsall Art Gallery Visit

A group of children have had a wonderful visit to the art gallery today. It has supported their engagement with the outside world and brought art to life in a very thought provoking way. Their progress in both knowledge and skills was directly related to their experiences in the workshop and art collections.

We were all in awe seeing artwork by famous artists such as Matisse, Van Gogh, Constable, Turner and Picasso.