Year 5’s Arthog Experience

In April, some of our Year 5 children had the amazing opportunity to spend a week at Arthog in Wales. They stayed for 4 nights and experienced a wealth of activities, including: gorge walking, night line, canoeing, orienteering, hiking and many, many more!

The children were perfectly behaved over the week, and many of the instructors praised them for their manners and general attitude! We are very proud of them all and are sure they were filled with memories that would last a lifetime!


We are 3 weeks into our Lego League Club and have created part of our stage for our performances! We have had children finding the pieces, building, supporting and reporting and the children are doing really well together as a team!

British Values Fortnight – Cllr Ollie Vickers visit.

On Monday 29th April 2024, Alexander Fleming School began their two-week look at British Values. We were lucky enough to welcome Labour Councillor for Donnington, Ollie Vickers, to speak to Key Stage Two about Democracy, Rule of Law and Individual Liberty.

The children relished the opportunity to speak to an active member of the Telford and Wrekin Council and strengthened their knowledge of key concepts of British Values and Politics.

Thank you Ollie!


Ironbridge Re-Imagined: Computing Project

Year 5 are taking part in a Adobe Express Creativity Project this term. We will be looking at content creation and using photo editing skills to ‘modernise’ a picture of Ironbridge. We had a workshop today to introduce us to the competition. We looked at importing media, cropping, resizing, removing a background, and adding new layers to a photo. We will continue to work on the project over the next few weeks with the hope of submitting some entries to the competition! Watch this space!


Lego League Begins!

We have 12 children from Year 4 and 5 who are taking part in the ‘First Lego League’ challenge this year. With support from two mentors and Mr Andrew, they will be creating a masterpiece over the next 11 weeks and then coding it to move however they want it to. They will be creating a poster and then presenting their creations at the Lego League Festival in July. They will be in teams of 6 and we can’t wait to see what they produce! In session 1, they met their team mates, discussed their hobbies and then created an area where a character could do some skateboarding! In just 15 minutes we were very impressed with what they came up with!