Monday’s Challenges


Write about the signs of spring you have spotted.(Just like in our Forest School Diaries!) Remember to write sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Can you make your writing really interesting by describing the things you have seen using adjectives? Use your phonic knowledge to sound-talk the words. If it is a long word, clap the syllables in it so that you don’t miss any sounds out.

For example – I saw beautiful, pink blossom, like candy floss, growing on a tree.

If you couldn’t get outside maybe watch Sci Show for kids on


Wrap up and go in your garden – if you can!  Go on a Bug Safari – don’t forget to look under rocks and stones. Stamp on the floor with your whole family and see how many worms come up to see you – this is sometimes called ‘worm charming’. Please don’t forget to return all living things back to where you found them –just as we would in Forest School.

Spring is well and truly kicking in now, and the warmer weather will bring lots of creepy crawlies out. You’ll soon notice your garden teeming with wildlife! Can you find…

a worm after a spring shower

a bumblebee looking for nectar

a spotty ladybird exploring the grass

a slimy snail in a dark damp spot

a butterfly basking in the sunshine?

Draw/paint pictures of what you find.



Listen to The 7 Days of The Week Song

Ask children –

What day is it today?

What day was it yesterday?

What day will it be tomorrow?

If today is Monday, the tomorrow will be . . .

Can you make a weekly diary so that children are using the days of the week? e.g. On Monday we had soup for lunch.


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