Tasks 1
Keep going with your spellings.
Here’s a different game you can play with them.
Print out or copy this board. Write the words on pieces of paper and place them on the area of the board.
On your turn, the other player will read you a spelling on a word card. You can spell the word out loud or write it down. If you’re correct, roll a dice and move ahead! (If you haven’t got a dice then just move one space ahead.) If you get it wrong, you will need to stay where you are! The first to the finish wins the game.
Now where were we with the Wolf… oh yes he’s just arriving at Granma’s house!
Watch Episode 5 and 6
The big question(s)
- Should we always tell the truth?
- Can a trickster be tricked?
- Who is bravest: the Wolf or Grandma?
Grandma’s plan
We know from the events of this episode that Grandma is in the attic and
that Wolf has locked the door so that she cannot get out.
- What is Grandma’s plan?
- How will she escape?
- Does she have another way out of the attic?
- In pairs, create ‘The Great Escape Plan’.
- You might want to draw your plan first and then write how you plan to escape next to it.
Grandma’s Great Escape Plan
This week we are continuing our learning about measurement, but moving on to capacity.
Capacity is the total amount that something can hold.
Watch this video and discuss. Sing and dance along! It asks you to shout out some answers to comparisons too!
Get three cups that are the same.
Adult to fill the cups – one is full of water/ juice, one is half full and one is empty.
Ask your child to talk about the capacity; reminding them of what they know about capacity. Can they use the language of full, empty, half-full? If not you will need to model it.
We anticipate that some children will say, “to the middle” with half-full. It’s worth exploring what half means – when something is in two equal parts; half the cup is empty, half has water in it.
If your child needs a challenge then get a fourth cup and fill it a quarter full! (A quarter is four equal parts.) Or even three quarters full!
Ask your child to put the cups in order from the least capacity to the most.
Use pieces of paper to label the cups empty, half full, full etc.
Tasks 2
Watch the final episode…
The big question(s)
- Are you satisfied with the ending of the story?
- Did you want something different to happen at the end?
- Who is the hero?
Vocabulary to discuss
clambered, a clearing, embarrassment
Write a sorry letter from the Wolf
There are songs to accompany each of the episodes on . .
Can you try and learn some of them? Discuss the different types of music and instruments you can hear?
Do you enjoy the songs? Why? Which part? How did the song make you feel?
Can you compare two of the songs? Is ‘The Wolfie Blues’ a fast or slow song? This is called the tempo.
Could you add movements or actions to the song? Make up a dance and perform it.
There are also Little Red Riding Hood ballets that you can watch . . .
Comment on the movements of each character. How does the wolf move compared to the woodcutter? What does this represent.
Use lots of verbs; creeping, gliding.
Allow your child to play with a variety of water containers from your kitchen or bathroom.
You could do this in the garden in a paddling pool or a washing up bowl or in the bath or sink.
Please remember to supervise your child when they are playing with water.
Listen to them and encourage them to use the language of capacity.
Then ask your child to think about the capacity of the cups yesterday.
Get the three cups again. Yesterday you filled the cups. Today ask your child to.
Can you fill this so that it is full, half full, empty! Challenge with a quarter full or three quarters full.
Ask your child to record this pictorially today. For example by drawing a line to show the water level on the cup.
Look out for more challenges coming later this week . . .