Reception – weekly challenges

Good morning,

We hope you’ve all had a super half term and enjoyed the glorious weather!

For this half term, we are going to post work for the week on a Monday, so you can follow it through at your own pace and see how it progresses.

Any queries please contact us through Seesaw or email us on:      or

If you would like copies of the work, please email or send a message on Seesaw and we will leave them at the school office for you to collect. This week, they will be ready to collect from Tuesday 2nd June, after 10am. After that, it will be every Monday.

2.6.20 weekly plan 1

Message from Mrs Casswell – Please see Seesaw for the daily story. I will try to continue to do this until the Summer holidays 🙂

Warm wishes,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran

Friday fun in Reception

Good morning everyone,

We hope you’re all well and looking forwards to a well deserved Bank Holiday weekend/Half term. Mentally, physically and emotionally, this last half term has been quite challenging for everyone, including us. So, lets all be kind to ourselves and have fun with our families, enjoying the simple things in life 🙂

Our activities today include; building houses for the pigs; playing shops and if you’re feeling brave, writing/drawing ‘The Three Little Pigs’ story. There will be a golden box prize for anyone having a go at writing the story 🙂

Friday 22nd May English

Friday money challenges

After half term, we will continue to post work for the children who are learning at home. We will put a weekly challenge page and attach any worksheets to the same document. As we’ve always said, don’t worry if you cant print it – doing things practically in maths and verbally in phonics is just as important and effective for your child’s learning.

Have fun and stay safe,

Warm wishes,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran xx

Reception – Thursday challenges

Good morning everyone,

We hope you’re all well.

Please click the link to find our English challenges today – a link for the DfE phonics lesson and further fun activities with ‘The Three Little Pigs’ theme.

Thursday 21st May English

The learning focus for Maths continues with money – lots more practical activities to support your child’s development.

Thursday money challenges

Have a fab day 🙂

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran

Tuesday’s challenges for Reception

Good Morning,

We hope you’re all well.

For Phonics/English today, we’ve attached the DfE lesson, where the learning focus is ‘oa’. Our story this week is a traditional one – ‘The Three Little Pigs’.

Tuesday 19th May English

The maths includes some more fun activities related to ‘money’.

Tuesday counting with pennies

We know some of our families prefer having a sheet to work from, so we’ve also attached a proforma. As we’ve said before, please don’t feel you’ve got to print these off as doing it practically is just as valuable 🙂

Tuesday activity

Have a good day,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

Challenges for Monday – Reception

Hello everyone!

We hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

This week is ‘Mental Health Awareness week’ and the theme this year is ‘Kindness’. With that in mind click the link for some lovely ideas to try.

Mental health week

Your English challenge involves lots of exercise 🙂

Monday 18th Fitness Fun and name writing

And finally, money is the learning focus for Maths…

Monday recognising coins.docx

Have fun and keep smiling 🙂

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran



Thursday’s home learning ideas – Reception

Good morning everyone 🙂

Another beautiful day!

Our English focus today is about saying stories aloud. They don’t have to be perfect, we’d just love to see/hear the children having a go.

Thursday 7th May Saying Stories

Some further 3D shapes activity ideas are attached here…take your pick!

3D Thursday shapes

thursday 3d shapes

Also, we’re holding another mini competition. Click the link for the poster below…

Friday 8th May 2020 COMPETITION TIME

Please have your competition photos sent to us by Monday 11th May and the winner will receive a treat in the post 🙂

Have fun in the sun:)

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran

Drawing competition – Mrs Casswell’s class

Please see attached…

GOOD LUCK KC comp poster

I’ve obviously been busy choosing winners, writing cards, buying treats and posting the prizes 🙂

I’m not going to announce the winners just yet, please keep an eye out for the postman if you entered the drawing competition 🙂

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Casswell.

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