Reception – Wednesday’s activities

What a beautiful morning again!     Sunshine Press - Home | Facebook    We hope you can get out and enjoy the sunshine today.

Somebody in Reception was lucky enough to walk all the way to Madeley Court to feed the ducks yesterday, and it looked great fun! Once again, a BIG thank you to all of our parents who are sending photos/videos on Seesaw, we REALLY appreciate it.       BBC Arts - BBC Arts - Matters of the heart: Where does the ...

Snakes and ladders phonics (trickier words today)

Wednesday 6th May Phonics game

3D shape activities – you can find these anywhere!

Wednesday maths

Story time in Mrs Casswell’s class

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the daily story on Seesaw. This week, we’re following the adventures of Hairy Maclary – isn’t he mischievous?!! Today, he causes havoc in the vets!

Happy listening,

Mrs Casswell x

Monday’s activities for Reception :)

Good morning and welcome to another week!

We hope you’re all keeping safe and well, and glad the weather forecast looks to be a little better again this week.

Some lovely ideas planned for today – a snakes and ladders phonics game, 2D shape activities and a natural craft activity – enjoy 🙂

Monday 4th May Craft idea and reading

Monday maths

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran

P.S. Don’t forget to send those drawing competition pictures – the winner will be chosen later, and receive his/her prize in the post 🙂

Fun time Friday – Reception :)

Good morning,

We’ve popped some links on the attached document – delivering good quality, appropriate phonics/maths activities.

But… we really like the ‘Home learning BINGO game’ 🙂

Have fun today!

Oh, and don’t forget to send your pictures for the competition on Seesaw – we will pick the winners on Monday evening.

Friday 1st May 2020

Thursday’s learning activities for Reception

Good Morning!

Hope you’re all well.

Continuing with our subtracting theme this week, here’s a few different ideas for practical ways to subtract – as always, please use what’s available to you 🙂

Thurs 30th AprilUsing Quantities and Objects They Subtract Two Single-Digit Numbers

The phonics can be done on the screen – reading the words aloud. Please support your child with the reading of the digraphs in the words, e.g.  down: d-ow-n, sheep: shee-p, road: r-oa-d.

Thurs 30th ph 3 phonics

Continue to send us the lovely photos of the fun, family things you’re doing too – we’ve loved seeing the pictures of dog walking, cycling, making salt dough, baking, gardening and painting, thank you!

Keep smiling,

Mrs Casswell & Mrs Geran.

Tuesday’s activities for Reception

Good Morning,

The Department for Education have created daily ‘Letters and Sounds’ lessons on YouTube. So for today’s challenge, your child could watch and join in with this…

For Maths, please choose a couple of the ‘halving’ problems attached. You can amend them to go with whatever resources you’ve got 🙂

Solving Problems – Halving – Tues 27th apr

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